Câu tường thuật Reported speech with gerund V-ing


Câu tường thuật Reported speech with gerund (V-ing) là một cấu trúc câu tường thuật đặc biệt trong tiếng Anh, giúp diễn đạt lại một hành động đã xảy ra trong quá khứ thông qua việc sử dụng động từ ở dạng V-ing. Bài viết này sẽ giới thiệu chi tiết về cách sử dụng, cấu trúc và ví dụ của câu tường thuật với gerund, giúp bạn nắm vững hơn về loại câu này.

Reported speech with gerund là gì?

Reported speech with gerund là một cấu trúc câu tường thuật sử dụng động từ ở dạng V-ing (gerund) để diễn đạt lại một hành động đã xảy ra trong quá khứ. Cấu trúc này thường được sử dụng khi tường thuật lại các lời xin lỗi, lời cảm ơn, hoặc khi nói về các hành động mà một người đã thực hiện.

Khi chuyển câu trực tiếp sang câu tường thuật sử dụng gerund, chúng ta sử dụng cấu trúc sau:

  • Direct Speech: Subject + verb + “…” (ở dạng nguyên thể hoặc đơn)
  • Reported Speech: Subject + verb + (object) + gerund (V-ing)

Reported speech with gerund là gì?

Cấu trúc câu tường thuật Reported speech with gerund thường gặp

Dưới đây là các cách dùng, cấu trúc và ví dụ cho các câu tường thuật Reported speech with gerund (V-ing) thường gặp:

Cách Dùng Cấu Trúc Ví Dụ
Admit (Thú nhận) Subject + admitted + V-ing
  • Direct:“I admit taking the money,” she said.
  • Reported: She admitted taking the money.
Deny (Phủ nhận) Subject + denied + V-ing
  • Direct:“I didn’t steal the money,” she denied.
  • Reported: She denied stealing the money.
Suggest (Gợi ý) Subject + suggested + V-ing
  • Direct: “We suggest going to the park,” they said.
  • Reported: They suggested going to the park.
Recommend (Khuyên) Subject + recommended + V-ing
  • Direct: “They recommended visiting the museum,” he said.
  • Reported: He said that they recommended visiting the museum.
Apologize for (Xin lỗi) Subject + apologized for + V-ing
  • Direct: “She apologized for being late,” he said.
  • Reported: He said that she apologized for being late.
Thank for (Cảm ơn) Subject + thanked + object + for + V-ing
  • Direct: “She thanked him for helping her,” they said.
  • Reported: They said that she thanked him for helping her.
Accuse of (Buộc tội) Subject + accused + object + of + V-ing
  • Direct: “He accused her of lying,” they said.
  • Reported: They said that he accused her of lying.
Blame for (Đổ lỗi) Subject + blamed + object + for + V-ing
  • Direct: “She blamed him for missing the flight,” he said.
  • Reported: He said that she blamed him for missing the flight.
Congratulate on (Chúc mừng) Subject + congratulated + object + on + V-ing
  • Direct: “They congratulated her on winning the competition,” he said.
  • Reported: He said that they congratulated her on winning the competition.
Insist on (Khăng khăng) Subject + insisted on + V-ing
  • Direct: “We insist on paying for the meal,” they said.
  • Reported: They insisted on paying for the meal.
Accuse of (Buộc tội) Subject + accused + object + of + V-ing
  • Direct: “He accused her of lying,” they said.
  • Reported: They said that he accused her of lying.
Blame for (Đổ lỗi) Subject + blamed + object + for + V-ing
  • Direct: “She blamed him for missing the flight,” he said.
  • Reported: He said that she blamed him for missing the flight.
Congratulate on (Chúc mừng) Subject + congratulated + object + on + V-ing
  • Direct: “They congratulated her on winning the competition,” he said.
  • Reported: He said that they congratulated her on winning the competition.
Insist on (Khăng khăng) Subject + insisted on + V-ing
  • Direct: “We insist on paying for the meal,” they said.
  • Reported: They insisted on paying for the meal.
Apologize for (Xin lỗi) Subject + apologized for + V-ing
  • Direct: “She apologized for being late,” he said.
  • Reported: He said that she apologized for being late.
Thank for (Cảm ơn) Subject + thanked + object + for + V-ing
  • Direct: “She thanked him for helping her,” they said.
  • Reported: They said that she thanked him for helping her.
Criticize for (Chỉ trích) Subject + criticized + object + for + V-ing
  • Direct: “He criticized me for being late,” she said.
  • Reported: She said that he criticized her for being late.
Forgive for (Tha thứ) Subject + forgave + object + for + V-ing
  • Direct: “I forgive you for lying,” he said.
  • Reported: He said that he forgave me for lying.
Warn against (Cảnh báo) Subject + warned + object + against + V-ing
  • Direct: “They warned us against going there,” she said.
  • Reported: She said that they warned us against going there.
Apologize for (Xin lỗi) Subject + apologized for + V-ing
  • Direct: “She apologized for being late,” he said.
  • Reported: He said that she apologized for being late.
Thank for (Cảm ơn) Subject + thanked + object + for + V-ing
  • Direct: “She thanked him for helping her,” they said.
  • Reported: They said that she thanked him for helping her.
Criticize for (Chỉ trích) Subject + criticized + object + for + V-ing
  • Direct: “He criticized me for being late,” she said.
  • Reported: She said that he criticized her for being late.
Forgive for (Tha thứ) Subject + forgave + object + for + V-ing
  • Direct: “I forgive you for lying,” he said.
  • Reported: He said that he forgave me for lying.
Warn against (Cảnh báo) Subject + warned + object + against + V-ing
  • Direct: “They warned us against going there,” she said.
  • Reported: She said that they warned us against going there.
Insist on (Khăng khăng) Subject + insisted on + V-ing
  • Direct: “We insist on paying for the meal,” they said.
  • Reported: They insisted on paying for the meal.
Accuse of (Buộc tội) Subject + accused + object + of + V-ing
  • Direct: “He accused her of lying,” they said.
  • Reported: They said that he accused her of lying.
Blame for (Đổ lỗi) Subject + blamed + object + for + V-ing
  • Direct: “She blamed him for missing the flight,” he said.
  • Reported: He said that she blamed him for missing the flight.
Congratulate on (Chúc mừng) Subject + congratulated + object + on + V-ing
  • Direct: “They congratulated her on winning the competition,” he said.
  • Reported: He said that they congratulated her on winning the competition.
Insist on (Khăng khăng) Subject + insisted on + V-ing
  • Direct: “We insist on paying for the meal,” they said.
  • Reported: They insisted on paying for the meal.

Qua các ví dụ và cấu trúc được trình bày ở trên, hy vọng rằng bạn đã nắm vững cách sử dụng câu tường thuật Reported speech with gerund để áp dụng hiệu quả trong giao tiếp và viết lách hàng ngày. Hãy luyện tập thường xuyên để thành thạo hơn trong việc sử dụng cấu trúc này, từ đó nâng cao kỹ năng ngôn ngữ của mình.

Ngoài ra, Vinuni cung cấp khóa học Pathway English nhằm hỗ trợ sinh viên trở nên thông thạo ngôn ngữ hơn và chuẩn bị tốt hơn cho việc học tập tại đây. Toàn bộ sự phát triển về khả năng đọc, nghe, nói và viết tiếng Anh học thuật là mục tiêu chính của khóa học này. Hơn nữa, sinh viên sẽ được hướng dẫn toàn diện về ngữ pháp, phát âm và từ vựng chuyên ngành. Vào cuối khóa học, sinh viên sẽ tự tin hơn và có các kỹ năng tiếng Anh cần thiết để đăng ký vào các chương trình chuyên ngành của VinUni.