GS.TS. Andrew Taylor-Robinson
Viện Khoa Học Sức Khỏe
Giáo sư Vi sinh học và Miễn dịch
Giới thiệu
Tiến sĩ Andrew Taylor-Robinson là một chuyên gia miễn dịch học về bệnh truyền nhiễm, chuyên nghiên cứu về mầm bệnh lây truyền qua muỗi. Ông học chương trình sau tiến sĩ tại Đại học Edinburgh và Đại học Glasgow. Trong thời gian đó, ông tham gia nghiên cứu tại Phòng thí nghiệm Nghiên cứu Y học ở Gambia và Max-Planck-Institut für Immunbiologie ở Freiburg, Đức. Sau đó, ông đã được trao học bổng Wellcome Trust và trở thành trưởng nhóm nghiên cứu tại Đại học Leeds và được bổ nhiệm vào đội ngũ giảng viên chính thức tại đây. Trước khi gia nhập VinUni, ông giữ chức vụ giáo sư tại Đại học Central Queensland và Đại học Charles Darwin ởAustralia. Ông là Học giả Quốc tế của Trung tâm Sức khỏe Toàn cầu tại Đại học Pennsylvania.
Google Scholar ID: Nhấn vào đây
ORCID: Nhấn vào đây
Loop: Nhấn vào đây
A short article: Understanding the Global Health Problem of Antimicrobial Resistance and How to Solve It
Tiến sĩ Taylor-Robinson có hơn 30 năm kinh nghiệm nghiên cứu các bệnh nhiệt đới gây ra mối đe dọa lớn đối với sức khỏe cộng đồng toàn cầu. Chuyên môn nghiên cứu của ông bao gồm các tương tác giữa mầm bệnh và vật chủ, đặc biệt là các phản ứng miễn dịch bảo vệ của cơ thể chống lại tác nhân gây bệnh, từ đó cung cấp thông tin cho các phác đồ điều trị và phát triển vaccine. Vì vậy, ông chủ yếu nghiên cứu về máu, gan, và vòng đời của muỗi – vật chủ của ký sinh trùng sốt rét. Phạm vi nghiên cứu của ông đã được mở rộng trong thập kỷ qua, bao gồm thêm các bệnh truyền nhiễm nhiệt đới do muỗi truyền, gây suy nhược và đe dọa tính mạng, bao gồm sốt xuất huyết, Zika và một loạt các arbovirus chỉ có ởAustralia, nơi các động vật bản địa đóng vai trò là vật chủ.
Nghiên cứu của Tiến sĩ Taylor-Robinson đang dần chuyển từ điều tra cơ bản sang điều tra ứng dụng, với trọng tâm khai thác lâm sàng bao gồm dịch tễ học, điều trị, phòng ngừa và kiểm soát các bệnh do nghèo đói gây ra, cũng như chuẩn bị và ứng phó với bùng phát dịch bệnh. Hiện ông đang hợp tác với các đồng nghiệp ở các quốc gia có lưu hành những loại bệnh kể trên ở Nam – Đông Nam Á và châu Phi cận Sahara. Nghiên cứu của ông thường bao gồm những hoạt động cải cách về mặt xã hội để giải quyết nhu cầu chăm sóc sức khỏe ở nhóm người dễ bị tổn thương, đặc biệt là ở các địa điểm vùng sâu vùng xa. Vị trí hiện tại của ông giúp ông có cơ hội thực hiện nghiên cứu liên ngành về các bệnh truyền nhiễm do véc tơ truyền và các bệnh truyền nhiễm khác có liên quan trực tiếp đến các cộng đồng thành thị và nông thôn ở Việt Nam. Ông đang và sẽ thực hiện một dự án tiếp theo về việc đưa công nghệ sinh học lạnh nâng cao ứng dụng vào phôi bò. Trong dự án này, ông sẽ hợp tác với các đối tác công nghiệp tại Việt Nam.
Các chủ đề liên quan về các ngành miễn dịch học, vi sinh, bệnh truyền nhiễm, huyết học và bệnh lý.
- Taylor-Robinson A.W. Dengue cases in Hanoi, Vietnam: unseasonal surge foreshadows increased incidence that demands organized preventive action. Chulalongkorn Medical Journal 69, 3 pages, in press, 2025.
- Taylor-Robinson AW. Combatting Plasmodium falciparum malaria in endemic settings: vaccination should complement rather than devalue low-technology interventions. Microbes and Infectious Diseases, 6(1), 396-401, 2025. doi: 10.21608/mid.2024.277749.1850
- Taylor-Robinson AW. Mpox virus epidemic in Africa: is Southeast Asia at risk and what preventive measures should the region take? The example of Vietnam. Microbes & Immunity, 2(1), 4878, 2024. 8 pages. doi: 10.36922/mi.4878
- Taylor-Robinson AW. Is vector competence testing of Aedes aegypti a valid tool to determine the transmission potential of yellow fever virus? New Microbes and New Infections, 62, 101550, 2024. 2 pages. doi: 10.1016/j.nmni.2024.101550
- Nguyen KQ, Taylor-Robinson AW. Combatting rabies outbreaks in Vietnam: high time to enforce restrictions on dog meat farming, a key source of transmission. International Journal of Infectious Diseases – Regions, 13C, 100490, 2024. 5 pages. doi: 10.1016/j.ijregi.2024.100490
- Taylor-Robinson AW. Environmental health meets chronic and infectious disease management: tackling the impact of climate change on public health risks. International Journal of Epidemiology and Public Health Research, 5(4), 0101, 2024. 5 pages. doi: 10.61148/2836-2810/IJEPHR/0101
- Nguyen HTH, Linh KB, Tran NT, Nguyen NTT, Hoang AP, Pham HH, Taylor-Robinson AW, Tran DQ, Nguyen HTT. The i-CanManage program to improve exercise and symptom management for Vietnamese women after cancer: A pilot randomized controlled trial protocol. Digital Health, 10, 1-12, 2024. doi: 10.1177/20552076241293974
- Taylor-Robinson AW. Complex transmission epidemiology of neglected Australian arboviruses: diverse non-human vertebrate hosts and competent arthropod invertebrate vectors. Frontiers in Microbiology 15, 1469710, 2024. 13 pages. doi: 10.3389/fmicb.2024.1469710
- Taylor-Robinson SD, Taylor-Robinson AW. Historical Vignette – David Taylor-Robinson: medical microbiologist and research pioneer of sexually transmitted infections. Cureus Journal of Medical Science 16(8), e66319, 2024. doi: 10.7759/cureus.66319
- Sedarat Z, Taylor-Robinson AW. Helicobacter pylori outer membrane proteins and virulence factors: potential targets for novel therapies and vaccines. Pathogens 13(5), 392, 2024. 25 pages. doi: 10.3390/pathogens13050392
- Nguyen HTH, Nguyen TKH, Linh KB, Dinh TTH, Taylor-Robinson AW. Digital home-based post-treatment exercise interventions for female cancer survivors: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Health Informatics Journal 30(2), 1-34 , 2024. doi: 10.1177/14604582241263668
- Le LTP, Nguyen AHQ, Ngo HTT, Wang X, Cunningham B, Valera E, Bashir R, Taylor-Robinson AW, Do CD. Current smartphone-assisted point-of-care cancer detection: Towards supporting personalized cancer monitoring. Trends in Analytical Chemistry 174, 117681, 2024. 19 pages. doi: 10.1016/j.trac.2024.117681
- Taylor-Robinson AW, Muurlink O.T. Climate change and infectious diseases among vulnerable populations. In: Handbook of Social Sciences and Global Public Health. Volume 3, Part X Social Science Research and Climate Change, pp. 2057-2076. doi: 10.1007/978-3-030-96778-9_130-1. Springer Nature, 2023 (online), 2024 (print)
- Taylor-Robinson AW, Nguyen KQ. Malaria in the Mekong Delta: Rationale, Implementation and Interim Effectiveness of Vietnam’s Control, Prevention and Elimination Program, 2015-2030. Pressbooks, 2024. Available at: https://pressbooks.pub/malariainmekongdelta/
- Liew CL-S, Guad RM, Taylor-Robinson AW, Teck K-S, Mandrinos S, Duin EV, Marcus M, Chua SW, Ho HL, Lo ZZ, Gan S-H, Wu YS, Sumpat D, Awang MA, Rahman MS, Azzani M. Antibiotic use in a co-infection of respiratory syncytial virus and pathogenic bacteria in children in a resource-limited setting in northeast Peninsular Malaysia. Tropical Biomedicine 41(3), 310-315, 2024. doi: 10.47665/tb.41.3.011
- Mogaji HO, Adewale B, Smith SI, Igumbor EU, Idemili CJ, Taylor-Robinson AW. Combatting anthrax outbreaks across Nigeria’s national land borders: need to optimize ongoing surveillance with epidemiological surveys. BMC Infectious Diseases of Poverty 13, 10, 2024. 7 pages. doi: 10.1186/s40249-024-01179-3.
- Oleribe OO, Taylor-Robinson SD, Taylor-Robinson AW. COVID-19 post-pandemic reflections from sub-Saharan Africa: what we know now that we wish we knew then. Public Health in Practice, 7, 100486, 2024. 5 pages. doi: 10.1016/j.puhip.2024.100486.
- Oleribe OO, Taylor-Robinson AW. Nwanyanwu OC, Morgan MY, Taylor-Robinson SD. Four years since COVID-19 day zero: time to evaluate post-pandemic control policies and practices in sub-Saharan Africa? Risk Management and Healthcare Policy, 17, 505-511, 2024. doi: 10.2147/rmhp.s449701.
- Taylor-Robinson SD, Taylor-Robinson AW. Are growing inequities leaving Africa behind in the post-pandemic public health landscape? Pan African Medical Journal 47, 16, 2024. 3 pages. doi: 10.11604/pamj.2024.47.16.41653
- Sedarat Z, Taylor-Robinson AW. Quorum sensing in biofilm. In: L Wang, B Gu, L Zhang, Z-B Zhu, eds. Recent Advances in Bacterial Biofilm Studies – Formation, Regulation, and Eradication in Human Infections. InTech Open, 2023. doi: 10.5772/intechopen.113338 (book chapter).
- Taylor-Robinson AW. Harnessing artificial intelligence to enhance key surveillance and response measures for arbovirus disease outbreaks in Australia. Frontiers in Microbiology, 14, 1284838. 5 pages. doi: 10.3389/fmicb.2023.1284838.
- Taylor-Robinson AW, Muurlink O.T. Climate change and infectious diseases among vulnerable populations. In: P Liamputtong, ed., Handbook of Social Sciences and Global Public Health. Springer Nature, 2023. doi: 10.1007/978-3-030-96778-9_130-1 (book chapter).
- Tu NDT, Nguyen KQ, Taylor-Robinson AW. Healthcare in Vietnam: harnessing artificial intelligence and robotics to improve patient care outcomes. Cureus Journal of Medical Science 15(9), e45006. 8 pages. doi:10.7759/cureus.45006.
- Muurlink O, Uzzaman N, Boorman RJ, Kibria SB, Best T, Taylor-Robinson AW. Village doctors: a national telephone survey of Bangladesh’s lay medical practitioners. BMC Health Services Research 23, 964, 2023. 9 pages. doi: 10.1186/s12913-023-09972-w.
- Nguyen HTH, Hoang AP, Do LTK, Taylor-Robinson AW, Nguyen HTT. Postpartum depression in Vietnam: a scoping review of symptoms, consequences, and management. BMC Women’s Health 23, 391, 2023. 19 pages. doi: 10.1186/s12905-023-02519-5.
- Kumar P, Nguyen TH, Le PVV, Yan J, Zhao L, Allan BF, Taylor-Robinson AW. Envisioning urban environments resilient to vector-borne diseases: a protocol to study dengue in Vietnam. Exploration of Digital Health Technologies, 1, 17-27, 2023. doi: 10.37349/edht.2023.00004.
- Nguyen KQ, Taylor-Robinson AW. Vietnam’s evolving healthcare system: notable successes and significant challenges. Cureus Journal of Medical Science 15(6), e40414, 2023. 5 pages. doi: 10.7759/cureus.40414.
- Nguyen KQ, Taylor-Robinson AW. Could human-to-human transmission of avian influenza spark a public health crisis in Southeast Asia? Infection, Disease & Health 28(3), 249-251, 2023. doi: 10.1016/j.idh.2023.05.004.
- Nguyen KQ, Taylor-Robinson AW. Two linked clinical cases of avian influenza in Cambodia: what threat to public health in southeast Asia does this pose? Microbes and Infectious Diseases 4(3), 773-776, 2023. doi: 10.21608/MID.2023.204080.1501.
- Nguyen KQ, Nguyen LMA, Taylor-Robinson AW. The global COVID-19 vaccine surplus: tackling expiring stockpiles. BMC Infectious Diseases of Poverty 12, 21, 2023. 6 pages. doi: 10.1186/s40249-023-01070-7.
- Taylor-Robinson AW, Liebenberg L. Research training experience of Vietnamese health sciences undergraduates visiting the Centre for the AIDS Programme of Research in South Africa. Pan African Medical Journal 44, 109, 2023. 6 pages. doi: 10.11604/pamj.2023.44.109.39039.
- Mogaji HO, Omitola OO, Bayegun AA, Ekpo EF, Taylor-Robinson AW. Livestock reservoir hosts: an obscured threat to the elimination of human schistosomiasis in Nigeria. Zoonotic Diseases 3(1), 52-67, 2023. doi: 10.3390/zoonoticdis3010006.
- Nguyen VT, Dao VC, Nguyen TH, Taylor-Robinson AW. Anthelmintic effects of betel nut (Areca catechu) extracts on roundworms (Toxocara canis) and hookworms (Ancylostoma caninum) isolated from Vietnamese dogs. Asian Journal of Animal and Veterinary Advances 18, 8-15, 2023. doi: 10.3923/ajava.2023.8.15.
- Taylor-Robinson AW, Nguyen TH. Infectious disease surveillance in Vietnam: pathogen early detection in Hanoi wastewater. Exploratory Research and Hypothesis in Medicine 7, 397-400, 2022. doi: 10.14218/ERHM.2022.00089.
- Taylor-Robinson AW. Pakistan floods: incidence of vector- and water-borne infectious diseases soars. Microbes and Infectious Diseases 3(4), 776-779, 2022. doi: 10.21608/mid.2022.166660.1392.
- Nguyen KQ, Nguyen LMA, Taylor-Robinson AW. Global “flu-ization” of COVID-19: A perspective from Vietnam. Frontiers in Public Health 10, 987467, 2022. 6 pages. doi: 10.3389/fpubh.2022.987467.
- Clark NF, Taylor-Robinson AW, Heimann K. Could chlorophyllins improve the safety profile of beta-d-N4-hydroxycytidine versus N-hydroxycytidine, the active ingredient of the SARS-CoV-2 antiviral molnupiravir? Therapeutic Advances in Drug Safety, 13, 1-4, 2022. doi: 10.1177/20420986221107753
- Caffery LA, Muurlink OT, Taylor-Robinson AW. Survival of rural telehealth services post-pandemic in Australia: a call to retain the gains in the ‘new normal’. Australian Journal of Rural Health, 30(4), 544-549, 2022. doi: 10.1111/ajr.12877.
- Sedarat Z, Taylor-Robinson AW. Biofilm formation by pathogenic bacteria: applying a Staphylococcus aureus model to appraise potential targets for therapeutic intervention. Pathogens 11(4), 388, 2022. 20 pages. doi: 10.3390/pathogens11040388.
- Taylor-Robinson SD, Morgan MY, Spearman CW, Suliman AAA, Corrah T, Oleribe OO, Taylor-Robinson AW. Why SARS-CoV-2 vaccines still matter in Africa. Quarterly Journal of Medicine – Monthly Journal of the Association of Physicians 115(3), 191-192, 2022. doi: 10.1093/qjmed/hcac014.
- Durga P, Caffery LA, Taylor-Robinson AW, Muurlink OT. Under the regulatory radar: unregulated rural healthcare in Bangladesh and Australia. Health and Social Care in the Community 30(5), e-3184-e3192, 2022. doi: 10.1111/hsc.13763.
- Mohsin S, Taylor-Robinson AW. Persistence of first-line antibiotic-resistant typhoid fever among Pakistani children: a growing concern for regional antimicrobial stewardship. Microbes, Infection and Chemotherapy 2: e1301, 2022. 3 pages. doi: 10.54034/mic.e1301.
- Mohsin S, Aziz Q, Muurlink OT, Taylor-Robinson AW. Burden of antibiotic resistance among children with typhoid in Gadap Town, Karachi, Pakistan. Microbes and Infectious Diseases 3(1): 81-91, 2022. doi: 10.21608/MID.2021.87000.1174.
- Mac Guad R, Sim MS, Carandang RR, Solidum JN, Taylor-Robinson AW, Wu Y-S, Aung Y-N, Low W-Y, Jeffree MS, Sekaran SD, Murugaiah C, Azizan N. Different domains of dengue research in the Philippines: a systematic review and meta-analysis of questionnaire-based studies. PLoS One 16(12): e0261412, 2021. 23 pages. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0261412.
- Caffery LA, Muurlink OT, Taylor-Robinson AW. Social disrupters: constructing a new way to deliver primary health services in a rural setting. Australasian Journal of Regional Studies 27(2), 237-257, 2021. doi: 10.3316/informit.254129427426908.
- Mac Guad R, Mangantig E, Low W-Y, Taylor-Robinson AW, Azzani M, Sekaran SD, Sim MS, Azizan N. Development and validation of a structured survey questionnaire on knowledge, attitude, preventive practice, and treatment-seeking behaviour regarding dengue among the resident population of Sabah, Malaysia: an exploratory factor analysis. BMC Infectious Diseases 21, 893, 2021. 11 pages. doi: 10.1186/s12879-021-06606-6
- Makanjuola RO, Bello AA, Sadiq FU, Ishaleku D, Oduwole KH, Taylor-Robinson AW. Comparative analysis of the unregulated sale of antimicrobial prescription medication by drug retailers before and during the COVID-19 pandemic in Abuja, Nigeria. Microbes and Infectious Diseases 2(3), 423-432, 2021. doi: 10.21608/mid.2021.71677.1142.
- Clark NF, Taylor-Robinson AW. An ecologically framed comparison of the potential for zoonotic transmission of non-human and human-infecting species of malaria parasite. Yale Journal of Biology and Medicine 94(2), 361-373, 2021.
- Clark NF, Taylor-Robinson AW. COVID-19 therapy: could a copper derivative of chlorophyll a be used to treat lymphopenia associated with severe symptoms of SARS-CoV-2 infection? Frontiers in Medicine 8, 620175, 2021. 5 pages. doi: 10.3389/fmed.2021.620175.
- Browne JJ, Matthews EH, Taylor-Robinson AW, Kyd JM. Otopathogen interactions in the nasopharynx of children, and the predictive value of nasopharyngeal aspirate culture for the aetiology of upper respiratory infections. Journal of Paediatrics and Child Health 57(7), 1016-1022, 2021. doi: 10.1111/jpc.15370.
- Mac Guad R, Taylor-Robinson AW, Seng W-Y, Hua G-S, Zaharan NL, Basu RC, Lin CL-S, Hafiz WA, Adnan WM. Clinical and genetic risk factors for new-onset diabetes mellitus after transplantation (NODAT) in a tertiary care centre in Malaysia. BMC Nephrology 21, 388, 2020. 8 pages. doi: 10.1186/s12882-020-02052-9.
- Clark NF, Taylor-Robinson AW. COVID-19 therapy: could a chlorophyll derivative promote cellular accumulation of Zn2+ ions to inhibit SARS-CoV-2 RNA synthesis? Frontiers in Plant Science 11, 1270, 2020. 4 pages. doi: 10.3389/fpls.2020.01270.
- Makanjuola RO, Ishaleku D, Taylor-Robinson AW. COVID-19 and malaria in sub-Saharan Africa: holistic diagnostic approaches may promote effective clinical case management. Microbes and Infectious Diseases 1(3), 100-106, 2020. doi: 10.21608/MID.2020.36762.1039.
- Al-Rafat AM, Hasan AMM, Taylor-Robinson AW, Majumder A, Muktadir A, Muktadir H, Karim M, Khan I, Ahasan M, Billah MM. A combinational approach to restore cytokine balance and to inhibit virus growth may promote patient recovery in severe COVID-19 cases. Cytokine 136, 155228, 2020. 8 pages. doi: 10.1016/j.cyto.2020.155228.
- Jayathilake JMNJ, Taylor-Robinson AW. Leishmaniasis in Sri Lanka: the need for effective targeting of island-specific issues through strategic implementation of global management plans for disease detection and control. Sri Lankan Journal of Infectious Diseases 10, 114-124, 2020.
- Omitola OO, Taylor-Robinson AW. Emerging and re-emerging bacterial zoonoses in Nigeria: current preventive measures and future approaches to intervention. Heliyon 6, e04095, 2020. 14 pages. doi: 10.1016/j.heliyon.2020.e04095.
- Muurlink OT, Taylor-Robinson AW. Sex and gender differences in health. Annals of Internal Medicine 174(1), 142-143, 2021. doi: 10.7326/L20-1373.
- Muurlink OT, Taylor-Robinson AW. COVID-19: cultural predictors of gender differences in global prevalence patterns. Frontiers in Public Health 8, 174, 2020. 2 pages. doi: 10.3389/fpubh.2020.00174.
- Muurlink OT, Taylor-Robinson AW. The ‘lifecycle’ of human beings: a call to explore vector-borne diseases from an ecosystem perspective. BMC Infectious Diseases of Poverty 9, 37, 2020. 5 pages. doi.org/10.1186/s40249-020-00653-y.
- Kothwella VK, Taylor-Robinson AW. Determining environmental and socioeconomic risk factors for dengue infection among the resident population of Kandy District, Sri Lanka. Annals of Microbiology and Infectious Diseases 3(1), 7-14, 2020.
- Makanjuola RO, Taylor-Robinson AW. Improving accuracy of malaria diagnosis in underserved rural and remote endemic areas of sub-Saharan Africa: a call to develop multiplexing rapid diagnostic tests. Scientifica, Article ID 3901409, 2020. 7 pages. doi: 10.1155/2020/3901409.
- Gyawali N, Taylor-Robinson AW, Bradbury RS, Potter A, Aaskov JG. Infection of western gray kangaroos (Macropus fuliginosus) with Australian arboviruses associated with human infection. Vector-Borne & Zoonotic Diseases 20(1), 33-39, 2020. doi.org/10.1089/vbz.2019.2467.
- Caffery LA, Muurlink OT, Taylor-Robinson AW. Social innovation in health response: a rare case of social enterprise meeting rural health needs. In: Q Alam, R Grose, eds. Regional Businesses in a Changing Global Economy: The Australian Experience, pp. 59-68. Oxford, UK, Routledge, 2022. ISBN 978-1032188713 (book chapter).
- Gyawali N, Taylor-Robinson AW, Bradbury RS, Pederick W, Faddy HM, Aaskov JG. Neglected Australian arboviruses associated with undifferentiated febrile illnesses. Frontiers in Microbiology 10, 2818, 2019, 11 pages..doi: 10.3389/fmicb.2019.02818.
- Taylor-Robinson S, Olupot-Olupot P, Morgan M, Edwards C, Corrah T, O’Donoghue J, Taylor-Robinson A. Africa is successfully developing its own science initiatives. Growing efforts toward sustainable training and access to funding. Nature Africa, 24 July 2022. Commissioned comment article, ISSN 2730-9878 (online). https://www.nature.com/articles/d44148-022-00104-w (English); https://www.nature.com/articles/d44148-022-00105-9 (French).
- Perera WDHN, Gunathilaka PADHN, Taylor-Robinson AW. Malaria in Sri Lanka: investigating causes of the recent elimination and making plans to prevent re-introduction. Journal of Vector Borne Diseases 56, 179-188, 2019. doi: 10.4103/0972-9062.289390.
- Gyawali N, Taylor-Robinson AW, Bradbury RS, Huggins DW, Hugo LE, Lowry K, Aaskov JG. Identification of the source of blood meals from mosquitoes collected from north-eastern Australia. Parasites & Vectors 12, 198, 2019. 8 pages. doi: 10.1186/s13071-019-3455-2.
- Browne JJ, Matthews EH, Taylor-Robinson AW, Kyd JM. Regulatory T lymphocytes are associated with increased nasopharyngeal colonization in children. International Journal of Pediatric Otorhinolaryngology 120, 51-57, 2019. doi: 10.1016/j.ijporl.2019.02.011.
- Al-Rafat AM, Majumder A, Rahman KMT, Hasan AMM, Islam KMD, Taylor-Robinson AW, Billah MM. Decoding the enigma of antiviral crisis: does one target molecule regulate all? Cytokine 115, 13-23, 2019. doi: 10.1016/j.cyto.2018.12.008.
- Do VH, Catt S. Kinder JE, Walton S, Taylor-Robinson AW. Vitrification of in vitro-derived cattle embryos: targeting enhancement of quality by refining technology and standardizing procedures. Reproduction, Fertility and Development 31, 837-846, 2019. doi: 10.1071/RD18352.
- Muurlink OT, Stephenson P, Islam MZ, Taylor-Robinson AW. Long-term predictors of dengue outbreaks in Bangladesh: a data mining approach. Infectious Disease Modelling 3, 322-330, 2018. doi: 10.1016/j.idm.2018.11.004.
- Do VH, Catt S, Amaya G, Batsiokis M, Walton S, Taylor-Robinson AW. Comparison of pregnancy in cattle when non-vitrified and vitrified in vitro-derived embryos are transferred into recipients. Theriogenology 120, 105-110, 2018. doi: 10.1016/j.theriogenology.2018.07.027.
- Khan AW, Taylor-Robinson AW. Is Pakistan becoming a safe haven for chikungunya virus? Current status and proposed measures to curtail this emerging public health threat. Infection, Disease & Health 23, 237-242, 2018. doi: 10.1016/j.idh.2018.07.002.
- Makiela S, Weber A, Maguire BJ, Taylor-Robinson AW. Infection control protocols: is it time to clean up our act? Australasian Journal of Paramedicine 15(3), 5, 2018. 3 pages. doi: 10.33151/ajp.15.3.624.
- Ali S, Khan AW, Taylor-Robinson AW, Adnan M, Malik S, Gul S. The unprecedented magnitude of the 2017 dengue outbreak in Sri Lanka provides lessons for future mosquito-borne infection control and prevention. Infection, Disease & Health 23, 114-120, 2018. doi: 10.1016/j.idh.2018.02.004.
- Khan AW, Taylor-Robinson AW. Persistent disease outbreaks and malnutrition in Tharparkar, Pakistan: natural disaster or man-made public health crisis? Journal of Public Health in Developing Countries 4, 477-481, 2018.
- Muurlink OT, Durga P, Awan N, Taylor-Robinson AW. Success and its consequences: Bangladesh’s health report card at 50. In: H Khondker, O Muurlink, Bin Ali A, eds. The Emergence of Bangladesh: Interdisciplinary Perspectives. Palgrave Macmillan (in English) & University of Dhaka Press (in Bengali), 2021 (book chapter).
- Taylor-Robinson A.W. Contamination of emergency medical vehicles and risk of infection to paramedic first responders and patients by antibiotic-resistant bacteria: risk evaluation and recommendations from ambulance case studies. In: U Bacha, U Rozman, SS Turk, eds. Healthcare Access – Regional Overviews. InTech Open, 2020. doi: 10.5772/intechopen.87219 (book chapter).
- Taylor-Robinson AW. Perfect storm brewing for mosquito-borne viruses. Medical Journal of Australia InSight+ View, issue 32, 30 August 2021. https://insightplus.mja.com.au/2021/32/perfect-storm-brewing-for-mosquito-borne-viruses/ (online resource).
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Những đóng góp của Tiến sĩ Taylor-Robinson cho giới khoa học sức khỏe đã được công nhận với Học bổng nghiên cứu sinh của Học viện Giáo dục Đại học, Đại học Bệnh học Hoàng gia của Vương quốc Ông vàAustralia, Hiệp hội Sinh học Hoàng gia, Hiệp hội Côn trùng học Hoàng gia, Hiệp hội Y tế Công cộng Hoàng gia, Viện Khoa học Y sinh, Đại học Y học Nhiệt đớiAustralia và Hiệp hội Vi sinhAustralia.
Giải Thưởng Nhà Nghiên cứu Xuất sắc VinUni 2025
Đại học Central Queensland, Giải thưởng được trao bởi Phó hiệu trưởng
Tuyên dương ‘Hướng dẫn luận án tiến sĩ đạt chất lượng xuất sắc’ năm 2019
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Giải thưởng “Nhà giáo dục của năm”, 2018
Khen thưởng cho giám sát viên nghiên cứu sau đại học xuất sắc năm 2017
Tuyên dương gương mẫu trong học tập và giảng dạy năm 2016
Giải thưởng Sáng tạo & Nghiên cứu Tương tác năm 2015