Shine during your internship to receive a full-time job opportunity | Career Readiness Series


Yesterday, the latest career workshop: How To Ace You Internship And Get Return Offers, featuring VinUni Faculty, and students who successfully secured internships or jobs at renowned organizations had been a remarkable success with more than 50 participants across all cohorts. 

We extend our genuine gratitude to our esteemed guest speaker for sharing skills and knowledge to project professionalism, build relationships with high-level stakeholders, and master impactful workplace communication, all crucial skills to propel you towards internships and career advancement. We also want to thank the VinUnians for their enthusiastic participation and engagement throughout the event.

Here are some highlights to present yourself professionally with etiquette and win every hiring process: 

  • Assoc Prof., Dr. Pham Ngoc Nam – Vice Dean of CECS and Dr Ho Hong Hai – Vice Dean of CBM, passionately highlighted the pivotal role of cultivating an insatiable thirst for knowledge and steadfast discipline in attaining remarkable success.
  • Mrs. Nguyen Van Anh – Director of Alumni, Industry, and Development at VinUni, who used to work in one of the global Big4 accountancy firms and banking, highlighted the significance of drive and proactiveness during internships. These often-overlooked responsibilities can pave the way for unique learning experiences and personal development.
  • Ms. Linh Dan – Incoming Consulting Analyst at McKinsey & Company, discussed her experiences with stakeholder management at Shopee. In one instance, when tasked with a project outside her expertise, she proactively collaborated with her supervisor to gain a thorough understanding of the project’s objectives, expected outcomes, and areas for enhancement.

Successful VinUni students share their stories

  • Ms. Bao Tien – Incoming Business Analyst at Boston Consulting Group, recounted her journey of consistently surpassing her supervisor’s expectations and navigating challenges with resilience.
  • Ms. Thu Hien – Full-time Marketing job offer holder after a successful internship, shared that she independently and proactively accomplished many good tasks which helped her gain the trust of her supervisors, leading to full-time job offer. 
  • Mr. Pham Anh Quan – AI Research Intern at the Institute for Infocomm Research, confidently shared his advice on thorough company research and demonstrating proactive contributions to ongoing projects before interviews, enabling him to stand out among hundreds of applicants. Notably, he achieved this distinction as the only undergraduate participant in the SIPGA Program.
  • Mr. Vu Ky – AI Engineer Intern at VinAI, discussed the importance of effective communication with his supervisor, expressing his enthusiasm for a particular project and requesting an extension of his internship to ensure its completion at VinAI.

By following our guest speakers’ advice, we hope you can navigate your career choice, and confidently land any dream internship or jobs that you are applying for. 


Phone: +84931922076 (Dương Bảo Tiên – Project Coordinator)