“VinUni is a Diverse Community where Everyone Have Their Own Stories and Talents”
After spending 2 gap years on overseas study preparation, Chau Anh decided to apply and study at the College of Business Administration at VinUni. For Chau Anh, the first month in school was the most challenging and memorable time in the last academic year:
“During that time, Ho Chi Minh City, where I lived, was severely affected by the Covid-19 pandemic. I struggled to study online with hectic meeting schedules and assignment deadlines, have a full-time job, and participate in the pandemic volunteer teams. Therefore, time and work management was a big challenge for me. However, the opportunity for self-development arises out of the comfort zone. Then, I gradually learned to organize my time and prioritize my goals.” – Chau Anh recalled.
During the first year of university, the enthusiasm of the faculty and the lessons of self-discipline were the most impressive to Chau Anh. Chau Anh said that she once submitted an essay late and then received an email from a professor requesting to hear the reason: “If you are facing any problem, no matter how small, please let me know!”. Through this little story, Chau Anh could feel the enthusiasm, passion, and care the lecturers gave her. At the same time, she also realized that: “Practicing discipline is simply how we respect someone else’s efforts.”
Not only impressed with the lecturers but Chau Anh was also intrigued and motivated by her fellow students because they were a source of inspiration to learn new and interesting knowledge. For Chau Anh: “VinUni is a diverse community where everyone has their own stories and talents. We are always free to discuss different topics from the LGBT community, culture, art, politics, science, even philosophy, and history. Everybody looks normal until we open our hearts to listen to their stories.”