VinUni Mentorship Kick-off Event 2024

VinUni Mentorship Kick-off Event 2024

June 13, 2024

In the joyous atmosphere to celebrate VinUni Career Day 2024 with the theme ‘Conquer New Horizons’, Mentorship Kick-off Event was successfully held aimed at signifying a launch for empowering students to expand their professional boundaries and achieve career goals through mentorship.

There were a record around 100 attendees this year among mentors, mentees together with VinUni faculty and staff.

Attending the kick-off event, there were numerous senior leaders from established companies, including Vingroup ecosystem, PwC Vietnam, EY Consulting Vietnam, McKinsey, Intercontinental Hanoi Landmark 72, SSI Securities, Adecco Vietnam, Cohost AI, Openasia Group, Vietnam Management Consulting, Accor Viet Nam Hotels, National Australia Bank, BHMedia, Vietnam Petroleum Institute and more.

The core of the event comprised group discussions, where mentees engaged with mentors in rotating groups. This format ensured a diverse exchange of ideas and advice, broadening mentees’ perspectives and deepening their understanding of various career paths.

Participants also benefited from a networking session during the tea break, allowing mentors and mentees to connect in a more informal setting, fostering lasting professional relationships.

The kick-off event initiated an engaging journey between students and industry mentors, promising ample opportunities and growth prospects ahead.

VinUni Mentorship Program 2024 at a glance:

The primary goal of VinUni Mentorship Program 2024 is to connect VinUni students, especially the seniors from College of Business & Management and College of Engineering & Computer Sciences (Mentees), with distinguished professionals (Mentors) to empower their perspective expansion, growth and learning process. This year’s program welcomes more than 50 mentors representing a wide breadth of industries, such as technology, consulting, hospitality, banking & finance, manufacturing, media, research institute, healthcare and more.

Several mentors from the College of Business & Management’s program two years ago saw the positive development of students and decided to return this year to contribute to the broader student community.


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