Nguyen Thi Hoa Huyen

Nguyen Thi Hoa Huyen, RN, PhD.

College of Health Sciences

Faculty, Bachelor of Nursing Program


Dr Huyen has more than 15 years teaching in nursing field. She was awarded prestigious scholarships of Australia and Vietnam to gain her Master and Doctoral Degree at the Queensland University of Technology, Australia. With her research interests in chronic diseases and cancer care, she has joined a number of national and international research projects. Joining VinUniversity, Dr. Huyen’s passion is to create active and science-based lectures to bring a global view to Nursing Students.

Women’s health
Chronic disease management
Nursing Education
Cancer Care
Mental health

1. Huong, N. T. T, Anh, H.P, Hao, M.T.T, & Huyen, N.T.H (2021). Knowledge, attitude and practice of parents on maternal care in a mountainous district of Vietnam: A qualitative study. Midwifery. 102 (13091. Doi:1016/j.midw.2021.103091
2. Huyen, T. H, Anh. H. P & Anh, N. T (2021). Adherence to diet and exercise among in-patients with hypertension at Dong Da hospital, Hanoi. Vietnam National Nursing Journal. 34. p. 41-48.
3. Thuy, D. T, Huyen, N. T. H, Nghia, N. N. N, Hang, N, B & Ly, N. T (2021). Quality of life among out-patient with type 2 diabetes managed by Yen Bai provincial endocrine hospital in 2020. Journal of Nursing Science. 4(1). p5-15.
4. Ha, N. V., Nga, N, T.T & Huyen, T. H (2020). Attitude about post-abortion care and related factors. Vietnam National Nursing Journal. 31. p. 58-62.
5. Phuong, H, T, M., Linh, N, D & Huyen, N. T. H (2020) Self-directed learning skills and some related factors among newly admitted students at Hanoi Medical College in academic year 2018 – 2019. Vietnam National Nursing Journal. 31. p. 105-109.
6. Van N. B. N, Huyen, N. T. H, & Thao T. P (2018). The Education system and cooperative work-integrated education in Vietnam: An overview. Cooperative Education in Asia. Talor & Francis, UK: Oxon
7. Huyen, T. H, Patsy, Y, Seib, C & Anderson, D (2018). Lifestyle factors and health related quality of life among Vietnamese women after breast and gynecological cancer. Journal of Global Oncology, 5s-5s. Doi: 10.1200/jgo.18.26200
8. Huyen, T. H, Patsy, Y, Seib, C & Anderson, D (2017). Lifestyle factors among Vietnamese women after breast and gynecological cancer. Journal of Nurse Practitioners 13(7), e349. Doi: 10.1016/j.nurpra.2017.05.077
9. Huyen, T. H (2011). Correlates between Health promoting behavior and Blood glucose level of patients with type 2 diabetes at Bach Mai Hospital, Medical Research Journal, 74(3), 127-132.

2018: Doctor of philosophy, Queensland University of Technology, Australia
2014: Master of Applied Sciences (Research), Queensland University of Technology, Australia
2009: Master of Nursing Sciences (Advanced Practice), Burapha University, Thailand
2003: Bachelor of Nursing, Hanoi Medical University, Vietnam