Phung Thi Viet Bac, Asst. Prof., PhD.
Research Administration
Head of Department
College of Engineering and Computer Science
Phung Thi Viet Bac received her Ph.D. degree in Mathematical and Physical Science from Kanazawa University, Japan, in 2009. She also holds M.Sc. and B.Sc. degrees in Physical Chemistry from VNU Hanoi University of Science and Hanoi National University of Education, obtained in 2005 and 2002, respectively. After getting her PhD degree, she worked as a Postdoctoral Research Fellow at Kanazawa University and National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology in Japan from late 2009 to 2012. Her research focused on Computational Materials Design for hydrogen storage applications. She also worked briefly at Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology until 2013 on solar cell, thin film, solid-oxide fuel cells, Si wafer and catalytic chemical vapor deposition. She later worked as an Assistant Professor at University of Fukui, Japan. From 2018 to 2023, she came back to Vietnam and worked at VNU Vietnam Japan University as Associate Researcher and Lecturer. She led the research group on Computational Multiscale Materials Modelling and Simulation at VJU Institute of Sustainability Science. During her time at the VJU she also performed her duties as the Executive Secretary of VinFuture Prize Foundation. From 2023 she joined the VinUniversity faculty as Head of Research Administration and Assistant Professor at College of Engineering and Computer Science. Additionally, she is a member of the American Chemical Society (ACS) and the Materials Research Society (MRS).
• Computational materials science and chemistry
• Atomic and electronic structure
• Defects and doping in complex functions.
• Sustainable design for sensing devices and energy storage and conversion applications
• Materials Science
• Quantum Chemistry
• Computational Materials Design
1. P. A. Le, V. Q. Le, N. T. Nguyen, T. V. B. Phung, Assessing strong consistency of symmetrical solid-state supercapacitors based on three-dimensional porous carbon material, Applied nanoscience, 2022.
2. P. A. Le, V. Q. Le, T. L. Tran, N. T. Nguyen, T. V. B. Phung, A computation and investigation of two-dimensional WO3 nanoflowers for electrochemical studies of energy conversion and storage applications, ACS Omega 2022 –7 (12), 10115-10126
3. P. A. Le, V. Q. Le, T. L. Tran, N. T. Nguyen, T. V. B. Phung, V. A. Dinh, Two-Dimensional NH4V3O8 Nanoflakes as Efficient Energy Conversion and Storage Materials for the Hydrogen Evolution Reaction and Supercapacitors, ACS Omega 2022, 7, 29, 25433–25442
4. P. A. Le, V. Q. Le, N. T. Nguyen, T. V. B. Phung, Multifunctional applications for waste zinc–carbon battery to synthesize carbon dots and symmetrical solid-state supercapacitors, 2022 RSC Advances 12, 10608-10618
5. P. A. Le, N. T. Nguyen, T. V. B. Phung, Food seasoning-derived gel polymer electrolyte and pulse-plasma exfoliated graphene nanosheet electrodes for symmetrical solid-state supercapacitors, RSC Advances, 12 (3), 1515-1526.
6. T. V. B. Phung, H. Ogawa, D. V. An, Y. Shibutani, K. Asano, Y. Nakamura, E. Akiba. Effects of Substitutional Mo and Cr on Site Occupation and Diffusion of Hydrogen in the β-phase Vanadium Hydride by First Principles Calculations, Theoretical Chemistry Accounts, 138(1), 16, 2019.
2009: PhD in Mathematical and Physical Science, Kanazawa University, Japan
2005: MSc in Theoretical and Physical Chemistry, Vietnam National University, Vietnam
2002: BSc Chemistry, Hanoi National University of Education, Vietnam
Outstanding scientist of Vietnam National University in Science and Technology Research and Innovation in 2022
Award for Prestigious International Scientific Publication at Vietnam Japan University in 2022
NAFOSTED Prestigious International Paper Award 2018
Japanese Government Scholarship for PhD course (Monbukagakusho Scholarship – MEXT) 2006-2009