Truong Ngoc Hai, MD., PhD.
College of Health Sciences
Affiliate Faculty
Dr Truong Ngoc Hai graduated Medical Doctor degree with high distinction honour from the University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Ho Chi Minh City in 1995. His PhD certificate awarded by Ministry of Education and Training, Vietnam Military Medical University in 2010 and his Doctoral dissertation contributed to the success of National Prize-awarded for the multicenter research “Application of some modern dialysis techniques in the emergency treatment of certain diseases” (National Science Foundation Grant No ĐTĐL 2008.G/29).
Since 2010, Dr Truong Ngoc Hai has been appointed as a Clinical Lecturer of the University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Ho Chi Minh City and Center of Training and Education, Cho Ray Hospital – the special referral and teaching hospital of Viet Nam.
From April 2019 through April 2020, Dr Truong Ngoc Hai was appointed Curriculum Development Director for MD Program of VinUniversity.
Currently, with his experiences, strong communication and organizational skills gained in clinical practices and healthcare executives, Dr Truong Ngoc Hai is working for Vinmec Central Park International Hospital as an Intensivist, professional and passionate clinician mentor in Critical Care and General Internal Medicine and affiliated Senior Lecturer of College of Health Sciences, VinUniversiy.
With main research interests are application of blood purification techniques in critical care, Dr Truong Ngoc Hai has published 50 peer-reviewed papers, book chapters and abstracts at national and international conferences.
To date, Dr Truong Hai has supervised successfully 10 Post-Graduated Students (Master of Science and Specialist level II, Completions in year 2016 to 2020) of the University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Ho Chi Minh City.
Thanks to his contribution in Critical Care and General Internal Medicine, Dr Truong Hai has been awarded a number of important awards such as Presidential Award for Clinical Practice Physician Excellence – awarded by the President of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam (2013); Certificate of Merit from the Prime Minister of Vietnam (2012); many Certificates of Merit of Minister of Health (2006 – 2016)