Suheal Ali Khan, MD
Affiliate Faculty
Mr Suheal Ali Khan graduated from Sheffield Medical School, UK in 1987. Following his basic surgical training, he spent 4 years in research at the WHO Metabolic Bone Unit with an interest in Pharmocokinetics and Molecular epidemiology.
Following this period, Mr Khan completed his Specialist Training as an Orthopedic Surgeon and was appointed Consultant in 1999 with a interest in Ilizarov and Reconstructive surgery. In 2005 he was made Head of Department at the University Hospital in Manchester.
In 2010, Mr Khan left his post to work in an International Surgical Aid agency, MiST Foundation and has worked in a number of developing countries, teaching and training junior surgeons and continues to dedicate his time to the Foundations mission statement; for his efforts has been awarded a Visiting Professorship from University in Manchester, UK. Mr Khan has published extensively in peer-reviewed journals and is a member of a number Editorial Boards for Orthopedic Journals.
Before coming to Vietnam, Mr Khan spent 4 years in Singapore setting up an Ilizarov unit and teaching the local surgeons the art of Limb Reconstruction.