Pham Van Thuy studied World History at the University of Social Sciences and Humanities, Vietnam National University, Hanoi, where he obtained his BA degree in 2005. He then attended Leiden University and was awarded his second BA, MPhil (Master of Philosophy) and Doctorate degrees in 2007, 2009 and 2014, respectively. In 2019, Thuy was appointed Associate Professor at the University of Social Sciences and Humanities, Vietnam National University, Hanoi. His main field of interest is Southeast Asian history, particularly the economic and political history of Vietnam and Indonesia in early modern and modern times. Thuy has attended over 30 international conferences worldwide and published a wide range of articles and book chapters in Vietnamese and English. His most recent publication is Beyond Political Skin: Colonial to National Economies in Indonesia and Vietnam 1910s-1960s. Singapore: Springer, 2019.
World History in the early modern and modern times Colonization and decolonization in Asia The political and economic history of Indonesia and Vietnam in the early modern and modern times
World History in the early modern and modern times Colonization and decolonization in Asia The political and economic history of Indonesia and Vietnam in the early modern and modern times
1. The Peril of Leprosy: Management of the Disease in French Indochina, 1900-1940”, in Maria Serena I. Diokno (ed.), Hansen’s Disease in Southeast Asia: Narratives of the Past and Present. Singapore: NUS Press (forthcoming).
2. “The Road to Doi Moi in Vietnam”, in Roderick James Macdonald (ed.), The Economy and Business Environment of Vietnam. Palgrave Switzerland, 2020, pp.25-44.
3. Beyond Political Skin: Colonial to National Economies in Indonesia and Vietnam 1910s-1960s, Singapore: Springer Nature, 2019.
4. The Japanese occupation and the independence movement in Vietnam, 1940-1945. In Wang Chaoguang (Ed.), 再认识与再评价 (二战中的中国与亚洲民族独立运动). Beijing: Social Sciences Academic Press, 2018, pp.166-179.
5. “Globalization, economic development and acculturation in Vietnam since the 1986 Đổi mới”. In: Globalization, national culture and local wisdom: The sustainability and preservation of culture and local wisdom in facing ASEAN Economic Community, Medan: University of North Sumatra (Indonesia), 2016, pp. 5-11.
6. “The Constraints of Economic Nationalism in Early Independent Indonesia”. In: Alicia Schrikker and Jeroen Touwen (eds), Promises and Predicaments: Trade and Entrepreneurship in Colonial and Independent Indonesia in the 19th and 20th centuries, Singapore: National University of Singapore Press, 2014, pp. 227-244.
7. “Continuing and emerging trends in Southeast Asian Studies in Vietnam and beyond”, Regional Journal of Southeast Asian Studies, 2, 2017, pp. 126-131.
8. “Đổi mới ở Việt Nam trong Biến chuyển Kinh tế-Xã hội Đông Á nửa sau thế kỷ XX“ [Vietnam’s Doi Moi in the context of social and economic transformation in East Asia in the second half of the 20th century], Nghiên cứu Lịch sử, 2/2017, 59-68
9. “Same Fate, Different Choices: Decolonization in Indonesia and Vietnam” Lembaran Sejarah (Indonesia), 1 (2017), pp.79-90.
10. The Political Framework of Economic Decision-Making in Indonesia and Vietnam, 1945-1950. Lembaran Sejarah (Indonesia), 1 (2013), pp.31-44.
PhD and Mphil, Leiden University