Pham Quang Minh, PhD
Adjunct Professor
Pham Quang Minh is Professor of History and Politics, and Chair of Department of International Development Studies at the Faculty of International Studies, the University of Social Sciences and Humanities (USSH), Vietnam National University-Hanoi. He got his PhD in Southeast Asian Studies from Humboldt University in Berlin, Germany in 2002. He was visiting professor to Pomona College (California), SciencePo (France), Waseda University (Japan), Chulalongkorn University (Thailand), just some to name. His main teaching and research interests, among the other things, are world politics, international relations of Asia-Pacific, and Vietnam’s foreign policy. His publications appeared in Journal International Relations of the Asia-Pacific (Oxford University Press), Journal of Vietnamese Studies (The University of California Press), Asia Europe Journal, Asia-Pacific Review, H-Diplo, and East Asia Forum.
- “ASEAN’s Indispensable Role in Regional Construction”, in Asia-Pacific Review, Routledge Taylor & Francis Group, London Vol.22 No 2, pp.82-101, November 2015
- “The Unification and Social Change in Vietnam during the 1970s”, in: Journal of Baikbum Kim Koo and Korean National Movement Studies, Volume 10, 2013, pp. 39-61.
- “The East Asia Security Environment in the Beginning of the Twenty-first century and the Adjustments in Vietnamese Foreign Policy”, in: Asia-Pacific Review, Routledge Taylor & Francis Group, Volume 18, Number 1 May 2011, pp. 98-108.
- “The South China Sea security problem: towards regional cooperation.” in: Asia Europe Journal (2010) 8: 427-434.
1.2. BOOKS
- Detlef Briesen -Pham Quang Minh (eds.) (2021), Country Report: Vietnam as an Ageing Society, Thanh Niên Publisher, Hanoi 2021
- Pham Quang Minh – Detlef Briesen (eds)(2020), Collaboration in Water Resource Management in Vietnam and South-East Asia, Nomos Publisher, Baden-Baden, Germany.
- Alan Chong- Pham Quang Minh (eds.) (2019); Critical Perspectives from Outside China on the Belt and Road Initiative, Palgrave Macmillan, Singapore
- Pham Quang Minh (2018), Vietnam’s External Relations and Foreign Policy, The Gioi Publishers, Hanoi
- Pham Quang Minh – Le Hoang Giang; The Belt and Road and the World: Why China’s “One Belt, One Road” Initiative Is a Dilemma for Everyone. in: Alan Chong – Quang Minh Pham, Critical Reflections on China’s Belt & Road Initiative, Palgrave Macmillan, Singapore 2019, pp.69-81.
- Pham Le Da Huong – Pham Quang Minh, Power struggle in Mekong Region: Japan’s Role, in: Pham Quang Minh – Detlef Briesen (eds)(2020), Collaboration in Water Resource Management in Vietnam and South-East Asia, Nomos, Germany, 2020, pp.123-145.
- Pham Quang Minh, Not being caught between two giants, in: Yoichiro Sato and Tan See Seng: United States Engagement in the Asia Pacific Perspectives from Asia, Cambria Press, NY 2015, pp.225-243.
- Pham Quang Minh, Bui Hai Dang, Tran Bach Hieu, Images and Perceptions of the EU in
- Vietnam: Media, Elite and Public Opinion Perspectives, in: Natalia Chaban, Martin Holland – Peter Ryan (eds.), The EU through the Eyes of Asia, volume II New cases, New Findings, World Scientific Singapore 2009, pp.53-93.
- Nguyen Tuan Anh – Pham Quang Minh, Responses to flooding: Migrants’ perspectives in Hanoi, Vietnam, in: Car Middleton et all (eds.), Living with floods in a mobile Southeast Asia, Routledge, London and New York 2018, pp.127-146.
- October 2016: Full Professor of History and Politics
- December 2007: Associate Professor of History and Politic
- 1999-2002: Ph.D. in Southeast Asian Studies at Passau and Humboldt University zu Berlin, Germany
- 1992-1996: M.A. in Southeast Asian Studies, Political Science and European History, Passau University, Germany
- 1981-1986: B.A. in World’s History, Kuban State University, Krasnodar (Former Soviet Union
- 1979-1980: One Year of Preparation Course of Russian at Hanoi University of Foreign Language
- 1978-1979: First Year Student of Faculty of History, Hanoi University
- 1967-1978: Ten Years of School Education in Ninh Giang, Hai Duong Province