Nguyen Ky Nam
Adjunct Faculty
Nguyen Ky Nam (PhD. Candidate in Vietnamese History) is a lecturer at University of Social Sciences and Humanities, Vietnam National University (Hanoi). Prior to his position, he had engaged in a myriad of projects on heritage management and conservation in collaboration with UNESCO, ICOMOS and other international organizations at Thang Long – Hanoi Heritage Conservation Centre.
- Lecturer, Faculty of History, College of Social Sciences and Humanities, Vietnam National University (Hanoi) (4/2019 – Present).
- Researcher, Department of Research and Collection, Thang Long – Hanoi Heritage Conservation Centre (9/2010 – 1/2019).
- Adjunct, Faculty of Arts & Sciences, VinUniversiy (10/2020 – now).
Main concerns: Critical Heritage Studies, Urban heritage in the contemporary contexts and Urban history
Other academic interests include Heritage Tourism, Museum studies and Heritage interpretation
Nguyen Ky Nam & Ngo The Bach (Eds.). (2014). Bảo tồn Di sản tại một số nước phát triển trên thế giới và Kinh nghiệm cho Việt Nam [Heritage Conservation in some Developed countries and Experiences for Vietnam]. Nong Nghiep Publishing House.
Book Chapters
- Nguyen, Ky Nam and Tran Van Dzung. (2020). Challenges facing Vietnamese traditional martial arts seen from a case study of Bach Ho. In Traditional Martial Arts as Intangible Cultural Heritage, pp. 29 – 39. ICHCAP and ICM.
- Nguyen Ky Nam. (2018). The display of Hanoi as I see it. In The implementation of community-based exhibitions in Vietnam (74 – 85). UNESCO.
- Nguyen Ky Nam. (2015). The Dragons of Thang Long. In Exploring World Heritage Sites in Vietnam, Laos and Cambodia (303 – 326). UNESCO.
Journal Articles
- Nguyen, Ky Nam and Phan Quang Anh (being reviewed). The management of minority heritage: critical challenges to Vietnamese Catholic heritage seen from the case study of Bui Chu church. International Journal of Heritage Studies (Q1, SSCI and Scopus-indexed).
- Nguyen Ky Nam & Nguyen Ngoc Minh. (2019). Di sản Nho học Truyền thống trong bối cảnh đương đại: nghiên cứu trường hợp Văn Miếu – Quốc Tử Giảm (Hà Nội) [Traditional Confucianism in the Contemporary Society: a case study of the Temple of Literature (Hanoi)]. In the proceedings of Legacies of Traditional education and examination: one-100-year journey, Vietnam National University (Hanoi).
- Nguyen Ky Nam and others. (2019). Bảo tồn và Phát triển du lịch địa học ở Tây Nguyên (qua nghiên cứu trường hợp hang động núi lửa Krong nô) [Conserving and developing geo-heritage tourism in Central highlands of Vietnam through a case study of Krong-no volcanic cave)]. In the proceedings of Making the Central highlands of Vietnam as a cultural ecotourism region: potentials and issues. Social Sciences Institutes for the Central highlands of Vietnam, 402-409.
- Nguyen Ky Nam. (2019). Nghiên cứu so sánh khách du lịch tại hai khu di sản văn hóa thế giới ở Việt Nam [A comparative study of heritage visitors at two World Heritage Sites of Vietnam]. Vietnam Social Sciences and Humanities, 3, 479-494.
- Nguyen Ky Nam. (2019). Nghiên cứu về khách tham quan thành nhà Hồ [A study on the Ho Imperial Citadel’s visitors]. Journal of Tourism, 3, 45-47.
- Nguyen Ky Nam. (2018). Di sản với cộng đồng: nhìn từ chương trình em làm nhà khảo cổ tại Hoàng thành Thăng Long [The dynamics between heritage and community through “I am an archaeologist” program in the Thang Long Imperial Citadel]. Journal of Culture and Arts, 413, 44-47.
- Nguyen Ky Nam. (2018). Đặc tính nhân khẩu học của khách tham quan hai di sản văn hóa thế giới tại Việt Nam [Demographic characteristics of visitors at two World Heritage Sites in Vietnam]. Journal of Culture and Arts, 410, 50-54.
- Nguyen Ky Nam & Nguyen Thi Phuong Chi (2014). Chính sách bảo vệ vùng biển đông bắc Việt Nam của vua Gia Long và Minh Mạng (1802 – 1804 [Defensive policy for the Northeastern sea of Viet Nam under King Gia Long and King Minh Mang (1802 – 1840)]. Vietnam Social Sciences, 11, 73-82.
- Nguyen Ky Nam & Nguyen Thi Phuong Chi (2014). Van Mieu, Van Tu and Van Chi in the course of National History. Vietnam Social Sciences, 1, 82-89.
- Nguyen Ky Nam & others. (2014). Bảo tồn Hầm Cục Tác Chiến [The Preservation of Military Operation Bunker]. Thang Long Annual Research Journal. Culture and Information Publishing House.
- Nguyen Ky Nam & Nguyen Van Son. (2013). Quá trình phát hiện và Nghiên cứu Hoàng thành Thăng Long [The process of discoveries and studies on Thang Long Imperial Citadel]. In the proceedings of the Consultant Meeting on the Implementation of policies, National Meeting on Laws in Cultural Heritage 2013.
- Nguyen Ky Nam. (2012). Dấu tích nền gạch thời Lê [Remains of the Le dynasty’s brick foundation]. In New Archaeological Discoveries of 2011. Social Sciences Publishing House.
- Nguyen Ky Nam & others. (2012). Kết quả thám sát và khai quật dò khu vực điện Kính Thiên năm 2011 [Initial results of test – excavation and excavation near Kinh Thien palace foundation in the year 2011]. Journal of Archaeology, 4, 34-47.
- Lam Thi My Dung, Bui Huu Tien & Nguyen Ky Nam. (2010). Kết quả khai quật di chỉ Vườn Chuối (Hà Nội) lần thứ ba năm 2009 [Results of the third excavation of Vuon Chuoi (Hanoi) in 2009]. In New Archaeological Discoveries of 2010. Social Sciences Publishing House, Hanoi, 154-156.