Nguyen Hoang Long, PhD., RN
College of Health Sciences
Associate Professor
Director, Bachelor of Nursing Program
Director, VinUniversity Medical Simulation Center
Assoc. Prof. Nguyen Hoang Long gained his Bachelor of Nursing from Hanoi Medical University. With other colleagues, he founded the first-in-country Bachelor of Nursing program at a private institution, enabling the involvement of private sectors in higher education for nurses nation-wide. He lived in Thailand for years, where he pursued both master and doctoral degrees, and postdoctoral fellowships at Chulalongkorn University. Dr. Long joined Vingroup in 2016 as the Deputy Director of Nursing Education, Vinmec Healthcare System. At VinUni, he has been serving as the Chief of Curriculum Development and then Program Director of the Nursing program.
Symptom Management and Palliative Care
Nursing Ethics
Nursing Education
Nursing Leadership and Management
Communication Skills for Professional Practice
Nursing Theories and Ethics
Adult Nursing
Leadership and Management
End of life care
1. Nguyen Hoang Long. (2018). Factors Related to Post-operative Symptoms Among Patients Undergoing Abdominal Surgery. Journal of Military Pharmaco-Medicine, 3, 128-132.
2. Nguyen Hoang Long, Sureeporn Thanasilp, Dawn Doutrich, (2017). Death Acceptance in Cancer Patient: A Phenomenological Study. Journal of Transcultural Nursing. DOI: 10.1177/1043659618765081.
3. Nguyen Hoang Long, Sureeporn Thanasilp, Ratsiri Thatho. (2015). A causal model for fatigue in lung cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy. European Journal of Oncology Nursing. DOI. https://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.ejon.2015.10.010.
4. Nguyen Hoang Long, Sureeporn Thanasilp, Ratsiri Thato. (2016). A validation of the Cancer Dyspnea Scale in Vietnamese persons with lung cancer. Journal of Health Research. 30(3), 173-181.
5. Nguyen Hoang Long. (2016). Symptoms experience and symptom clusters during the first three days after abdominal surgery. Vietnam Journal of Medicine and Pharmacy.
6. Sureeporn Thanasilp, Kanoklekha Suwannapong, Nguyen Hoang Long. (2018). Validation of the Thai Version of the Functional Assessment of Cancer Therapy – General (FACT-G) for Persons with Terminal Cancer. Journal of Pain and Symptom Management. 56 (6), e137–e138.
7. Sureeporn Thanasilp, Lanchasak Akkayagorn, Kanoklekha Suwannapong, Nguyen Hoang Long, Janya Chimluang, Rachaneekorn Upasen, Akadet Kedcham, Doutrich Dawn Liam. (2020). The Development of a Death Acceptance Scale for Buddhists with Cancer. Pacific Rim International Journal of Nursing Research. (In Press).
8. Nguyen Hoang Long, Phan Le Hang. (2019). Knowledge about Thalassemia among Young-Single-Adults in Yen Bai Province. Journal of 108 Clinical Medicine and Pharmacy, 4(14), 97-106. Ha Thi Huyen, Ngo Minh Dat, Nguyen Hoang Long. (2018). Insomnia among Cancer Patients. Journal of Practical Medicine, 6(1072), 21-23.
9. Nguyen Hoang Long, Vu Dung. (2017). Factors Associated to Ethical Reasoning Levels of Nursing Students. Journal of Practical Medicine, 2 (1033), 33-35.
10. Dao Thu Thuy, Nguyen Hoang Long. (2017). Sharps Injuries During Injections among Nurses at the National Hospital of Dermatology in 2012. Vietnam Medical Journal, 452, 193-197.
11. Nguyen Hoang Long, Nguyen Thi Nhu Mai. (2017). Effectiveness of Cryotherapy in Preventing Oral Mucositis in Cancer Patients Receiving Chemotherapy. Vietnam Medical Journal. 452, 198-203.
12. Nguyen Hoang Long, Tran Thi Xuyen. (2016). Psychometric Properties of Pain Behavioral Scale used in Traumatic Brain Injury Patients. Journal of Practical Medicine, 1005, 238-241.
13. Nguyen Hoang Long, Ha Thi Huyen. (2016). Professional Ethical Reasoning Level of RN-to-BSN Part-time Students. Journal of 108 – Clinical Medicine and Pharmacy, 11, 33-37.
14. Nguyen Hoang Long. (2016). Decision-making Ability in Hypothetical Ethical Dilemmas of Nursing Students. Journal of Clinical Medicine. 91, 67-74.
15. Pham Tien Dung, Nguyen Hoang Long. (2020). Knowledge about Skin Cancer of Patients at the Outpatient Department of the National Hospital of Dermatology and Venereology. Journal of Nursing Science. (In Press).
16. Nguyen Thi Hoai, Nguyen Hoang Long. (2018). Quality of Life among Patients Undergoing Chemotherapy at Thai Nguyen Central Hospital. Journal of Practical Medicine, 8(1076), 7-9.
17. Pham Thi Van Anh, Nguyen Hoang Long. (2018). Factors Related to Knowledge and Attitude Toward Pain Management among Nurses at Thai Nguyen Central Hospital. Journal of Practical Medicine, 8(1076), 26-28.
18. Le Thi Hue, Ha Thi Huyen, Nguyen Hoang Long. (2016). Knowledge, practice on intermittent urine catheterization of caregivers of patients with spinal cord injury at the rehabilitation center Bach Mai hospital. Journal of Practical Medicine, 1013 (6), 135-137.
BN, Hanoi Medical University, Vietnam, 2006
MSN, Adult Nursing, Burapha University, Thailand, 2010
PhD, Nursing Science, Chulalongkorn University, Thailand, 2015