Do Tho Truong

Do Tho Truong, PhD

College of Engineering and Computer Science

Director, Mechanical Engineering program


Upon graduation from the University of Science and Technology, Dr. Truong worked as a lecturer at the University of Transport and Communications. He completed his master’s degree in France and Spain and received his PhD in Mechanical Engineering from Michigan State University, United States. Truong also worked for a NASA funded project “Empirical Optimization of Additive Manufacturing” at the Additive Manufacturing Center, University of Louisville. In this project, machine learning used for defect detection was based on in-situ monitoring signals from multiple types of sensors mounted on the Selective Laser Melting (SLM) system. He also worked on other projects funded by the US Air Force Research Lab, and the National Institutes of Health.

• Structural optimization
• Materials
• Advanced application development for additive manufacturing (3D printing)

1. WC, Tran H., Do, T., ”Mitigating early fracture of amorphous metallic thin films on flexible substrates by tuning substrate roughness and buffer layer properties”. Thin Solid Films, 137493, 2019
2. Huang X., Do, T. et al. “A Binder Jet Printed, Stainless Steel Preconcentrator as an In-Line Injector of Volatile Organic Compounds”, Sensors, 19(12), 2748, 2019.
3. Do, T., Shin, C., D. and Kwon, P., “A New Process Development Toward Full-Density Stainless Steel Parts with Binder Jetting Printing”, International Journal of Machine Tools and Manufacture, Vol. 121, pp. 50-60, 2017
4. Lin, T., Do*, T., Kwon, P. and Lillehoj, P., “3D printed metal molds for hot embossing plastic microfluidic devices”, Lab on a Chip, 2017, 17, 241-247.
5. Do*, T. et al., Fully-Enclosed Ceramic Micro-burners Using Fugitive Phase and Powder-based Processing. Scientific Report. 6, 31336; DOI: 10.1038/srep31336, 2016
6. Do*, T. and Kwon, P., Improving Structural Integrity with Boron-Based Additives for 3D printed 420 Stainless Steel, Procedia Manufacturing, Vol. 1, pp. 263-272, 2015
7. Do*, T., Shin, C., Yeom, J. and Kwon, P., Fabrication of Powder-based Ceramic Micro-burners, Procedia Manufacturing, Vol. 5, pp. 455–465, 2016

2018: PhD, Mechanical Engineering, Michigan State University, USA
2010: MSc, Mechanical Engineering, Polytechnic University of Catalonia, Barcelona, Spain
2009: MSc, Mechanical Engineering, National Institute of Applied Sciences of Lyon, France
2005: BS, Mechanical Engineering, Hanoi University of Science and Technology, Vietnam

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