Christopher Anderson, PhD
Cornell University- Sc Johnson College of Business, School of Hotel Administration
Chris Anderson is a professor at the Cornell School of Hotel Administration. Prior to his appointment in 2006, he was on faculty at the Ivey School of Business in London, Ontario, Canada. His main research focus is on revenue management (RM) and service pricing. He actively works with industry, across numerous industry types, in the application and development of RM, having worked with a variety of hotels, airlines, rental car and tour companies, as well as numerous consumer packaged goods and financial services firms. Anderson’s research has been funded by numerous governmental agencies and industrial partners. He serves on the editorial board of the Journal of Revenue and Pricing Management and is the regional editor for the International Journal of Revenue Management. At the School of Hotel Administration, he teaches courses in revenue management and service operations management.
- Business Analytics
- Services Operations Management
- Pricing
- Distribution
- Revenue Management
- CK. Anderson, F. Odegaard and JG. Wilson. 2015. A Newsvendor Approach to Inventory and Pricing
Decisions in NYOP Channels. Journal of Revenue and Pricing Management. 14(1) pp. 3-18. - CK. Anderson and B. Lawrence. 2014. The Influence of Online Reputation and Product Heterogeneity
on Service Firm Performance. Service Science. 6(4) 217-228. * Winner of 2014 Service Science Best
Paper Award - Odegaard, F and CK. Anderson. 2014. Retail Selling with All-Pay Auctions. European Journal of
Operational Research. 239(2) pp. 579-592. - CK. Anderson and K Xie. 2014. Pricing and Market Segmentation Using Opaque Selling Mechanisms.
European Journal of Operational Research. 233(1) pp. 263-272. - CK Anderson, Han, S. 2018. Living without OTA –Goodbye Columbus: Putting the Jeni Back in the
Bottle. Cornell Hospitality Quarterly. 59(1) pp. 57-59. - CK Anderson, and Ming Cheng. 2017. Multi-click Attribution in Sponsored Search Advertising: An
Empirical Study in Hospitality Industry. Cornell Hospitality Quarterly.58(3), 253-262. - X. Xie, R Verma, and CK Anderson. 2017. Customer Preferences and Opaque Intermediaries. Cornell
Hospitality Quarterly. 58(4), 342-353.
- BS Engineering University of Guelph 1993
- MSc Engineering University of Guelph 1995
- MBA Ivey School of Business, University of Western Ontario1998
- PhD Management Science, Ivey School of Business, University of Western Ontario 2002