Students at VinUniversity can actually work in a peer “colleague” status while interning within the university’s professional work environment since their 1st year. This spirit was demonstrated in the student-led Work-Study Fair. During the Fair, representatives from VinUniversity’s key departments actively and competitively pitched to persuade students to become their “colleagues”.
The Work-Study Fair aimed to give the most comprehensive view of the job vacancies for students at VinUniversity. For instance, research assistant for the President, Provost and Vice Provost office; intern at IT, Marketing & Admission, Student Affairs Management, External Engagement department, etc. Representatives from these departments thoughtfully delivered presentation on job vacancies, future projects, as well as benefits to appeal and enlist talented students into their respective teams.
Students were given the opportunity to learn from the experienced and to enjoy 1:1 consulting sessions to improve their CV and relevant skills for their preferred job’s candidacy. Moreover, sudents were interviewed by “employers” from various departments.
The Work-Study program allows students to explore their potentials, apply what they have learnt into the professional work environment, gain work experience, as well as earning extra income. Skills and experience they have acquired from the program will pave the way for their future career.
*Photos and article made by students of VinUniversity