As part of the “Vietnam Startup Adventure” program financed by the New Colombo Plan (NCP), a group of fifteen brilliant minds from the University of Queensland (UQ) set off on a transformative adventure with the goal of fostering global connections and cultivating entrepreneurial mindsets. These students, who are majoring in engineering, business management, entrepreneurship, economics, and innovation, are participating in an immersive internship programmes at VinUniversity on November 29th.
This visit’s main goal is to provide UQ students a chance to see VinUni’s campus, engage with its varied student body, and learn about the cutting-edge programmes that are available in the fields of ventures, entrepreneurship, and startup. A range of enriching events aimed at fostering interaction, learning, and collaboration between the outstanding faculty members of VinUni and the UQ cohort defined the programme agenda. A kind greeting and a thorough tour of VinUni’s campus kicked off the day, laying the groundwork for an exciting schedule of workshops. The programme included an icebreaker and a thorough overview of VinUni’s Entrepreneurship Lab, led by Dr. Marc Kramer, Senior Lecturer in Entrepreneurship at VinUni, Ms. Fi Woolliscroft, Startup AdVentures Coordinator from UQ, Ms. Thai Thi Cam Chi, Country Manager – Vietnam, and Ms. Nguyen Thi Lan Ngoc, Coordinator of the Entrepreneurship Lab. The most memorable part of the tour was attending the lectures led by Dr. Marc Kramer, which covered a wide range of topics related to VinUni’s innovative endeavours, entrepreneurship, and startup. These lectures gave a thorough rundown, offered priceless insights, and encouraged a lively discussion between the visiting UQ students and VinUni’s academic staff.
Dr. Marc Kramer delivers a session on entrepreneurship to UQ students
The programme ended on a positive note of cooperation and mutual excitement for upcoming events, with thanks extended to all speakers, guests, and participants. Everyone’s enthusiastic participation highlighted this cross-cultural initiative’s importance and success. This project demonstrates how dedicated UQ and VinUni are to international education, knowledge sharing, and encouraging students from a variety of academic backgrounds to develop an entrepreneurial spirit. There is still a lot of expectation for VinUni and UQ to continue working together as the programme comes to an end. This expanding collaboration is further strengthened by the possibility of receiving VinUni students as inbound participants at UQ in the future.
UQ students visit VinUni 3D Lab
Without a doubt, the “Vietnam Startup Adventure” programme has had a profound impact on the students who took part, kindling their passion for innovation and cross-cultural learning. It is evidence of how influential international alliances can be in moulding the future generation of businesspeople and politicians. As we continue to forge connections across boundaries and promote an atmosphere of creativity, entrepreneurship, and academic success, keep an eye out for more exciting developments and possible future partnerships between VinUni and UQ.