As part of a series of student-led events, Green Sports Day at VinUni is not just another competition day but aimed to improve health and to uphold the spirit of sports; it is also an opportunity to improve communication of environmental awareness.
Green Sports Day not only offered a variety of popular sports such as badminton, soccer, basketball, table tennis, swimming and running, but also hosted competitions of fun-loving sports like Quidditch, slow cycling as well as presented the opportunity to challenge the chess master. The event day attracted the participation of many VinUni students along with other talented teams from RMIT University, Vietnam National University and Hanoi Medical University and even teams from Vingroup member companies such as Vinschool, VinBrain and Vinhomes.
First prize winner of each competition can fix their own nameplate when planting a new tree on the campus, which helps contributing to the growing green space at VinUni. The demonstration of environmental stewardship such as exchanging trash for pots of plants was also another highlight of this special sports event.
The event day was organized extremely impressively and special thanks go to VinUni student clubs who did a marvelous job:
👉 Basketball Club, Badminton Club and Soccer Club as the wonderful competition organizers
👉 VinUni Harmony and Vin-A-House for the lively performance of excellence and livening up the crowd
👉 Marketing Club for spreading the message and bringing sport lovers to VinUni Green Sports Day.
Let’s look back to the most memorable moments at VinUni Green Sports Day!