Bo Van Der Rhee

Bo Van Der Rhee, PhD.

College of Business and Management

Advisory Board member


Prof. Dr. Bo van der Rhee is Professor of Operations Management at Nyenrode Business University. He is part of Nyenrode’s Faculty Research Center for Marketing & Supply Chain Management. His main research topics are New Product Development and Supply Chain Optimization. His main research methodology is analytical modeling, but he often applies other quantitative methodologies such as simulations and survey data analysis.
He has published in journals such as the European Journal of Operational Research, Production & Operations Management, the Journal of Product Innovation Management, Decision Sciences, Technovation, Journal of Business Research, and the International Journal of Production Economics. Van der Rhee is an active member of the academic society: he frequently presents his work at international conferences and reviews papers for journals such as Production and Operations Management, Decision Sciences, and European Journal of Operational Research. He is also currently Nyenrode’s Director of Research.
Van der Rhee has developed and taught courses such as Statistics for Business, Management Science, Operations Management, and Supply Chain Management. In his teaching, Bo applies a mix of methodologies: traditional lectures, flipped classrooms, case studies, audience response, online learning environments, learning analytics, etc. He has acted as a committee member for five PhD students, and has personally supervised (or is still supervising) five PhD students as well.

New Product Development, Supply Chain Optimization

1. Ahmadi, T., & Rhee, B. van der (2023). Multiobjective line balancing game: Collaboration and peer evaluation. INFORMS Transactions on Education, 23(3), 179-195.
Qin, J., & Rhee, B. van der, Venkataraman, V., & Ahmadi, T. (2021). The impact of IT infrastructure capability on NPD performance: The roles of market knowledge and innovation process formality, Journal of Business Research, 133, 252-264.
2. Qin, J., & Rhee, B. van der (2021). From trash to treasure: A checklist to identify high-potential NPD projects from previously rejected projects, Technovation, 104,
3. Haket, C., Rhee, B. van der, & Swart, J. de (2020). Saving time and money and reducing carbon dioxide emissions by efficiently allocating customers. INFORMS Journal of Applied Analytics, 50(3), 153-165.
4. Solaimani, S., Haghighi Talab, A., & Rhee, B. van der (2019). An integrative view on Lean innovation management. Journal of Business Research, 105, 109-120.
Wang, C., Schmidt, G., & Rhee, B. van der. (2018). Stage-Gate contracts to screen agents with inside information. Decision Sciences, 49(6), 1156-1186.
5. Rhee, B. van der, Schmidt, G., & Tsai, W. (2017). Hold safety inventory before, at, or after the fan-out point? Production and Operations Management, 26(5), 817-835.
Schmidt, G., & Rhee, B. van der. (2014). How to position your innovation in the market place. MIT Sloan Management Review, 55(2), 17-20.
6. Rhee, B. van der, Schmidt, G., Veen, J. A. A. van der, & Venugopal, V. (2014). Revenue-sharing contracts across an extended supply chain supply chain. Business Horizons, 57(1), 473-482.
7. Dixon, M., Karniouchina, E., Rhee, B. van der, Verma, R., & Victorino, L. (2014). The role of coordinated marketing-operations strategy in services: Implications for managerial decisions and execution. Journal of Service Management, 25(2), 275-294.
8. Lange, R. de, Samoilovich, I., & Rhee, B. van der. (2013). Virtual queuing at airport security lanes. European Journal of Operational Research, 225(1), 153-165.
Rhee, B. van der, Schmidt, G., & Orden, J. van. (2012). High-end encroachment patterns of new products. Journal of Product Innovation Management, 29(5), 715-733.
9. Orden, J. van, Rhee, B. van der, & Schmidt, G. (2011). Encroachment patterns of the ‘Best Products’ from the last decade. Journal of Product Innovation Management, 28(5), 726-743.
10. Rhee, B. van der, Veen, J.A.A. van der, Venugopal, V., & Nalla, V.R. (2010). A new revenue sharing mechanism for coordinating multi-echelon supply chains. Operations Research Letters, 38(4), 296-301.
11. Rhee, B. van der. (2010). Using the TV show Numb3rs in a statistics course (Teaching brief). Decision Sciences: Journal of Innovative Education, 8(2), 385-389.
Karniouchina, E., Moore, W., Rhee, B. van der, & Verma, R. (2009). Issues in the use of ratings-based versus choice-based conjoint analysis in operations management research. European Journal of Operational Research, 197(1), 340-348.
12. Rhee, B. van der, Verma, R., & Plaschka, G. (2009). Understanding tradeoffs in the supplier selection process: The role of flexibility, delivery, and value-added services/support. International Journal of Production Economics, 120(1), 30-41.
13. Rhee, B. van der, Verma, R., Plaschka, G., & Kickul, J. (2007). Technology readiness, learning goals and elearning: Searching for synergy. Decision Sciences: Journal of Innovative Education, 5(1), 127-149.

Van der Rhee received a Master’s of Science in Econometrics and Operational Research from the Vrije Universiteit in Amsterdam (2003) and obtained his PhD at the University of Utah (2007). His dissertation was titled ‘Competition and Innovation in Technology Driven Markets’.

Over a dozen student elected “Professor of the Year” Awards for teaching courses such as Business Statistics and Management Science in a Master of Science program.
Two Executive MBA “Professor of the Year” awards for teaching a Quantitative Methods course.

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