Nguyen Phan Hanh Thao

Nguyen Phan Hanh Thao, PhD.

College of Business and Management

Faculty of Organizational Behaviour & Human Resources Management, Bachelor of Business Administration


Thao Nguyen, Ph.D., is an Assistant Professor of Human Resource Management & Organizational Behavior in the College of Business and Management (CBM). She holds a Ph.D. and an M.S. in Human Resource Studies, with minors in Organizational Behavior and Communication, from Cornell University.
Her research primarily revolves around collaboration and leadership in the context of the future of work. She explores how the nature of collaboration is being—or will soon be—reshaped by increased diversity, by greater global integration and technological advancement, and by fiercer competition in recruiting and retaining the best talent. In light of these emerging phenomena, she investigates directions in which organizations, leaders, and employees can coordinate efforts to maximize collective success.
She has led research in partnership with a variety of Fortune Global 500 companies, such as L’Oréal (Cosmetics), Prudential Financial (Life Insurance), Cigna (Healthcare), and Boeing (Aerospace). Her research initiatives have received financial support from the U.S. Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology, the Benjamin Miller Fund, Cornell’s Center for Advanced Human Resource Studies, as well as other entities within Cornell University. Her dissertation won the 2024 Graen Award for Research on Leaders and Teams from the U.S. Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology.

Future of Work, Teams, Leadership, Organizational Behavior, Human Resource Management

1. Bell, B.S. & Nguyen, T.P.H (2023). Virtual leadership. In G. R. Goethals, S. T. Allision, & G. J. Sorenson (Eds.), The SAGE Encyclopedia of Leadership Studies. SAGE Publications.
2. Song, H., Kim, J., Nguyen, T.P.H., Lee, K.M., & Park, N. (2021). Virtual reality advertising with brand experiences: The effects of media devices, virtual representation of the self, and self-presence. International Journal of Advertising, 40(7), 1096-1114.

Ph.D. in Human Resource Studies – Cornell University
M.S. in Human Resource Studies – Cornell University
M.S. in Organizational Behavior – Gachon University
B.A. in International Relations (Valedictorian) – Ho Chi Minh City Vietnam National University

1. Graen Award for Research on Leaders & Teams, U.S. Society for Industrial & Organizational Psychology, 2024
2. Dissertation Research Award, Cornell University ILR School, 2024
3. Benjamin Miller’s Fellowship, Cornell University, 2020
4. M.S. Thesis Award, Cornell University ILR School, 2020
5. Outstanding Research Award, Gachon University, 2018
6. Best Conference Presentation, Annual Conference of the Korean Association of Small Business Studies, 2017
7. Social Entrepreneurship & Economic Development Fellowship (Young Southeast Asian Leaders Initiative – YSEALI), U.S. Department of States, 2015
8. Vietnamese Delegate at the JENESYS 2.0 Japan-ASEAN Student Conference, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan, 2013