Hoang Anh Tuan, Prof., PhD.
College of Arts and Sciences
Adjunct Lecturer
Hoang Anh Tuan (1976) is professor of history, chair of urban history, and acting rector of the University of Social Sciences and Humanities (Vietnam National University, Hanoi). He received his Bachelor (1999) and Master (2001) from VNU-Hanoi, Advanced Master (2002) and Doctorate (2006) from Leiden University (Nederland).
He is the author of Silk for Silver: Dutch-Vietnamese Relations, 1637-1700 (Brill, 2007), World Trade and Vietnamese Integration, Sixteenth to Eighteenth Centuries (VNU-Hanoi Press, 2016), Early Modern Southeast Asia, 1350-1800 (Routledge, 2016, co-editor)… His major research interests include early-modern Asian-European interactions, global history, urban history, environmental history…
He has been appointed visiting professor at University of Montana (2009) and Goethe Universität Frankfurt am Main (2012-2013). He has also taken several academic counselling positions such as member of SEASREP Foundation board of trustees (since 2012), Gerda Henkel Foundation’s country representative (since 2012), Alexander von Humboldt Foundation’s Ambassador Scientist (since 2017)…
Commodity and commercial economics of Tonkin in the XVI-XVIII century
Commerce and diplomatic relations of Tonkin with East Asian nations and Eastern Indian companies in the XVI-XVIII century
Position, role and integration process of Dai Viet in the process of early modernization globalization (XVI-XVIII century)
Asia-Europe trade and diplomatic relations XVI-XVIII century
Commodity and commercial economics of Tonkin in the XVI-XVIII century
Commerce and diplomatic relations of Tonkin with East Asian nations and Eastern Indian companies in the XVI-XVIII century
Position, role and integration process of Dai Viet in the process of early modernization globalization (XVI-XVIII century)
Asia-Europe trade and diplomatic relations XVI-XVIII century
1. Silk for Silver: Dutch-Vietnamese Relations, 1637-1700, Leiden-Boston: Royal Brill Publishers, the Netherlands, 2007 (296 pages – Author).
2. Archives of the Dutch and English East India Companies on Seventeenth-Century Hanoi (in Vietnamese), Hanoi Publishers, 2010 (732 pages – Author).
3. Early Modern Southeast Asia, 1350-1800, London: Routledge, 2016 (302 pages, Co-editor)
4. World Trade System and the Vietnamese Integration, Sixteenth to Eighteenth Centuries, Hanoi: Vietnam National University Press, 2016 (Author, in Vietnamese, English summary).
5. The Dutch East India Company in Tonkin, 1637-1700, (in Vietnamese, English summary) Hanoi Publishers, 2019 (author).
6. Archive of the English East India Company on Tonkin, 1672-1697, (in Vietnamese, English summary) Hanoi Publishers, 2019 (author).
1.《从“跨越大陆的一杯茶”窥探 17—18 世纪“全球大众消费》, 历史教学问题, 2020 年第 1 期 (pp. 94-98).
2. “Vietnam: A New History” (Review), Journal of Vietnamese Studies (University of California, Berkeley), Vol. 13 No. 2, Spring, 2018, pp. 109-115.
3, “The End of A Commercial Era: From the English Junk Affair to the Vietnamese Maritime Embargo in 1693”, Journal of Social Sciences and Philosophy (Academia Sinica), Volume 30, Number 2, 2018, pp. 279– 302.
4. “Vietnam: A New History” (Review, co-author), Journal of Vietnamese Studies (University of California, Berkeley), Vol. 13 No. 2, Spring, 2018, pp. 109-115.
5. “Seventeenth-Century Vietnamese Woman as Reflected in Western Sources”, (in Vietnamese) Journal of Historical Studies, Hanoi, 2/2018, pp. 63-67.
6. “French Scholarship on Vietnamese Urban History, 1865-1954” (in Vietnamese, co-author), Journal of Historical Studies, Hanoi, 12/2018, pp. 23-36.
7. “Of the Dutch-English Commercial Competition in Insular Southeast Asia in the Early Seventeenth Century” (in Vietnamese, co-author), Journal of Southeast Asian Studies, Hanoi, Vol. 2 (2018), pp. 25-31.
8.《日本——马尼拉——欧洲:1670年代英国与越南东京之间贸易的流产》,全球史评论, 第十集,北京,中国社会科学出版社 (2016, ISBN 978-7-5161-7961-1), pp. 208-225.
9. “Another Past: Early Modern Vietnamese Silk Production and Export in Global Perspective”, in: Early Modern Southeast Asia, 1350-1800 (London: Routledge, UK, 2015, ISBN 978-1-13-883875-8, pp. 103-121).
10.《越南古代以及中世纪的海外贸易史》,海交史研究 (2)2015, 74-80.
Translations (English into Vietnamese)
1. (as translator) A Journey to Tonkin in 1688 (by William Dampier), Thế Giới Publishers, Hanoi 2005 (120 pages / reprinted in 2007 & 2011).
2. (co-translator) Western Descriptions of Hanoi, Hanoi Publishing House, 2010, 1,169 pages.
3. (co-translator) Southern Vietnam under the Minh Mang Reign (1820-1841) (by Choi Byung Wook), The Gioi Publishers, Hanoi, 2011.
PhD, MA, Leiden University