Do Danh Cuong, PhD
College of Engineering and Computer Science
Assistant Professor, Electrical Engineering program
Dr. Cuong Do obtained a BS in electronics from the Vietnam National University, Hanoi, in 2004. He received MEng in Electronics and Semiconductor from Chungbuk National University, Korea, in 2007 and his PhD in Electronics Engineering from Cork Institute of Technology, Ireland, in 2012. His PhD dissertation focuses on the development of adaptive control methods for improving the performance and reliability of MEMS switches. The work is in collaboration with Analog Devices Inc. From 2013 to 2017, Dr. Cuong was a research associate in the Engineering Department, University of Cambridge. In Cambridge, he combined both pieces of knowledge in MEMS and CMOS fields to develop an ultra-low power, high sensitive strain sensor in Cambridge. Based on this work, two industrial fundings from IHI Corp., Japan, and 8Power Ltd., UK were secured. He also led a group of graduate students in their work on projects such as energy harvester systems, MEMS nonlinearity, and wireless sensor networks.
• Next generation of sensors for medical and infrastructure monitoring
• Sensor fusion algorithm and adaptive control
• Energy harvesting
• Wireless sensor network
• Internet of Things (IoTs)
• Analog, digital circuits
• Introduction to microelectronics
• Embedded systems Intelligent physical systems
• Micro-electro-mechanical systems
1. C. Do, A. A. Seshia, Temperature compensation for resonant mems, US Patent: US20180134544A1.
1. C. Do, A. A. Seshia, Temperature compensation for resonant mems, US Patent: US20180134544A1.
2. A. Ganesan, C. Do, and A. A. Seshia, Phononic frequency comb via intrinsic three-wave mixing, Physical Review Letters, vol. 118, no. 3, Jan. 2017. Featured on PRL and Physics World.
3. C. Do, A. Erbes, J. Yan, and A. A. Seshia, Design and implementation of a low-power hybrid capacitive MEMS oscillator, Microelectronics Journal, vol. 56, pp. 1-9, Oct. 2016.
4. S. Du, Y. Jia, C. Do, A. A. Seshia, An Efficient SSHI Interface with Increased Input Range for Piezoelectric Energy Harvesting Under Variable Conditions, IEEE Journal of Solid-State Circuits, vol. 51, no. 11, pp.2729-2742, Aug. 2016.
5. C. Do, M. Hill, M. Lishchynska, and K. Delaney, Generalized closed-form models for pull-in analysis of microcantilever beams subjected to partial electrostatic load, Sensor and Actuator A: Physical Journal, vol. 185, pp.109-116, Oct. 2012.
6. C. Do, M. Hill, M. Lishchynska, M. Cychowski, and K. Delaney, Energy-based approach to adaptive pulse shaping for control of RF-MEMS DC-contact switches, IEEE/ASME Journal of Microelectromechanical systems, vol. 21, no. 6, pp. 1382-1391, Dec. 2012.
2012: PhD in Electronics Engineering, Cork Institute of Technology, Ireland
2007: MEng in Electronics and Semiconductor, Chungbuk National University, Korea
2004: BS Electronics and Telecommunication, Hanoi National University, Vietnam
Best Poster award, Department of Engineering, Cambridge University poster competition, 2016
PhD grant from Enterprise Ireland under the Applied Research Enhancement Programme, Cork, Ireland 2008-2012
Student Scholarship from IEEE Industrial Electronics Conference, Arizona, USA, 2010