David Koh

David Koh, PhD

College of Arts and Sciences

Senior Lecturer


David Koh is Singapore Chinese born, bred, and based in Singapore until the VinUni called him to Hanoi.  His work experience over the last thirty years included copy-writer in an advertising agency; as a medical records clerk; as a radiography stenographer; a prisons officer, a high school teacher, foreign service officer, researcher and research program lead, journal editor, conference/seminar organiser and moderator, university lecturer, World Bank & UNDP consultant, academic entrepreneur, Board Chairman of an NGO, Town Council member, and last but not least, a businessman.

  • Vietnam’s politics, socio-economic development, and foreign policy
  • National politics of Southeast Asian countries
  • International politics and major powers in Southeast Asia

  • Politics and society
  • International politics
  • Public policy research of various types and issues

  1. “State-Society Relations in Vietnam: Strong or Weak State?” in Southeast Asian Affairs 2001, 369-86.
  2. “Negotiating the Vietnamese State Through Local Administrators: The Case of Karaoke Shops” Sojourn 16 No. 2, October 2001, 279-305
  3. “The Politics of a Divided Party and Parkinson’s State in Vietnam” Contemporary Southeast Asia 23 No. 3, December 2001.
  4. “Urban Government: Ward-level Administration in Hanoi,” in Benedict J. Tria Kerkvliet & David G. Marr eds., Beyond Hanoi: Local Government in Vietnam, Institute of Southeast Asian Studies, Singapore, 2004, pp. 197-228.
  5. Wards of Hanoi. Singapore: Institute of Southeast Asian Studies, 2006.
  6. Legacies of the World War II in South and East Asia (editor). Institute of Southeast Asian Studies, Singapore, 2007.
  7. “Leadership changes at the 10th Congress of the Vietnamese Communist Party,” Asian Survey 48:4, 2008
  8. “The 6th Plenum in Vietnam: Thunder without rain.” ISEAS Perspectives 29 October 2012.

  • PhD, The Australian National University, 2000
  • MA Strategic Studies, The Australian National University, 1993
  • B. Sc. (Honours), National University of Singapore, 1999
  • B.A., National University of Singapore, 1989
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