Anupama Devendrakumar, PhD.
College of Arts and Sciences
Senior Lecturer
Dr. Anupama Devendrakumar is Senior Lecturer of Global Political Economy. Earlier, she worked as an Adjunct Faculty in the College of Natural Resources, the Royal University of Bhutan, Bhutan; Lecturer in the College of Maritime Studies and Management, Chiang Mai University, Thailand; and Researcher at the ASEAN Studies Center of Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok, Thailand. Her research interests are international trade, investment, regional economic integration, focusing on ASEAN and its dialogues partners, and India. Much of her prior work is on India’s bilateral economic relations with ASEAN. Her recent work explores the nature and scope of China’s growing presence in ASEAN. Dr. Anupama has coedited China’s Rising Influence and its Belt and Road Initiative: Its Significance, Progress, and Challenges for ASEAN (forthcoming in 2021) and China’s Rise in Mainland ASEAN: New Dynamics and Changing Landscapes (2019), published by the World Scientific, Singapore.
Regional Economic Integration
International Trade
Foreign Direct Investment
India-ASEAN Relations
Manufacturing in ASEAN
China in Mainland ASEAN
LDCs and Globalization
1. Suthiphand Chirathivat, Buddhagarn Rutchatorn and Anupama Devendrakumar, eds. China’s Belt and Road Initiative in ASEAN: Growing Presence, Recent Progress and Future Challenges, Volume 3. Singapore: World Scientific Publications (forthcoming), 2021.
2. Suthiphand Chirathivat, Buddhagarn Rutchatorn and Anupama Devendrakumar, eds. China’s Rise in Mainland ASEAN: New Dynamics and Changing Landscapes, Volume 1. Singapore: World Scientific Publications, 2019.
3. Devendraumar, Anupama. A review of Non-Tariff Measures (NTMs): Evidence from ASEAN India trade, by Prabir De, Durairaj Kumarasamy, and Komal Biswal, New Delhi: ASEAN-India Centre at Research and Information System for Developing Countries (RIS), 2019, 182 pp., ISBN: 81-7122-145-9.
4. Devendrakumar, Anupama. “Contemporary Influences of China and India in Mainland ASEAN: Comparative Perspectives”. In China’s Rising Influence in Mainland ASEAN: Implications, Local and Regional Responses, Volume 2. Singapore: World Scientific Publications (forthcoming), 2019.
5. Devendrakumar, Anupama. “Intra-Industry Trade in Manufacturing Supply Chain: An Empirical Assessment of the India-ASEAN Case”, International Journal of Supply Chain Management (IJSCM), Volume 5, Number 2, [ISSN 2050-7399 (Online), 2051-3771 (Print)] June, 2016.
6. Chirathivat, Suthiphand and Devendrakumar, Anupama. “Introduction”. In China’s Rise in Mainland ASEAN: New Dynamics and Changing Landscapes, Volume 1. Singapore: World Scientific Publications, 2019.
7. Srisangnam, Piti and Devendrakumar, Anupama. “Unlocking North–Eastern Region of India: ASEAN Connectivity Perspective”. In Mainstreaming the Northeast in India’s Look and Act East Policy. Eds. Atul Sarma and Dr. Saswati Choudhury. New Delhi: Springer Publications, 2018.
8. Chirathivat, Suthiphand and Devendrakumar, Anupama. “ASEAN-India Connectivity – Progress So Far”. In Celebrating the Third Decade and Beyond: New Challenges to ASEAN-India Economic Partnership. Eds. Prabir De and Suthiphand Chirathivat. New Delhi: KW Publishers Pvt Ltd., 2012.
1. Summer School Fellowship on Human Rights and Human Developmentby the University of Humanistic Studies and the Kosmopolis Institute, the Netherlands, held in Gadjah Mada University, Yogyakarta, Indonesia, 2010.
2. Six Gold Medals awarded by the University of Mysore for all-round proficiency, academic excellence in M.A. Economics.