At VinUni University, the subject of Physical Education is called Healthy Lifestyle. Of course, it is not the same thing.
According to the mission of the excellent university, “Healthy” has a broad meaning. It is the full scope of physical, psychological, spiritual well-being and social connection.
On the physical fitness side, VinUni students are free to choose from a range of sports: Dance, swimming, soccer, boxing, yoga, Vovinam, Taekwondo etc. with renowned experts to guide the lessons.
Primarily, according to Professor Vu Anh Dung, Head of the Faculty of Arts and Sciences, VinUniversity – Healthy Lifestyle course teaches students how to have a healthy life.
Students have chances to participate in extracurricular activities and talks by experts to understand how to keep a healthy diet, lifestyle, and living habits.
Mental and psychological health is an essential part of the course. This course will prepare future leaders to overcome the psychological obstacles that they will encounter in many paths of life.
VinUni representative shared that this course will be provided through independent lectures about philosophy, life perspective, paradigms and values. This course helps students to navigate their own beliefs, spirituality and overall life orientation. Healthy Lifestyle course allows students to broaden the range of inspiration.
Therefore, it is not a surprise to see an honourable professor in the VinUni lecture hall talking to young students about empathy, the human spirit, change management and the desire to improve continuously.
Healthy Lifestyle is a new and exciting subject. According to many education experts, it could set the stage for a new era of student-centred education.