Vo Sy Quyen Nang

Vo Sy Quyen Nang, MD., MSc.

Vinmec Times City International Hospital

Adjunct Faculty, Orthopedic Surgery


Dr. Vo Sy Quyen Nang graduated from Hanoi Medical University. After completing his residency and master’s programs at Hanoi Medical University, he went on to attend fellowship programs at the largest medical universities in Japan, Korea, Taiwan, Singapore, Thailand. He had a number of international publications. In addition, he participated in writing numerous textbooks for medical universities in Vietnam. Dr. Vo Sy Quyen Nang had contributed in the success of first pelvic and talar replacement surgeries in Vietnam. He was also one of the developers of the novel “anatomic reflection technology” used in anterior/posterior cruciate ligament reconstruction surgery. He is currently working as Head of Knee, Foot & Ankle surgery Department – Orthopaedic Center of Excellence and Manager of “3D Printing Solutions for Healthcare and Medicines” laboratory – Vinmec Healthcare System, Vice Director of 3D Technology in Medince Center of VinUniversity.