Due: June 05, 2024

I. Introduction

The Green Transformation and Green Growth Project for Nha Trang City and Khanh Hoa Province represents a strategic endeavor aimed at realizing the developmental vision for the city and province. This vision promotes Nha Trang City and Khanh Hoa Province as a green, clean, and sustainable coastal metropolis offering diverse services, boosting nationally and internationally acclaimed tourism, deeply rooted in the unique values of its natural and cultural landscapes and ecosystems. Nha Trang aims to establish itself as a fundamental center of economic, financial, commercial, political, cultural, social, scientific, technological, and human resource development, effectively leveraging its position as a pivotal growth pole and an international gateway for integrating Khanh Hoa Province into the global community. For this initiative, Nha Trang City and Khanh Hoa Province have collaborated with VinUniversity to create a comprehensive ‘Green Transformation and Green Growth Master Plan (2024-2030)’. Integrating international standards and local characteristics, the project welcomes the introduction of green technology, digital transformation, and smart applications in crucial sectors that would immensely benefit the region without compromising its natural wealth.

The objective of the project is to transition towards a low-carbon economy through green transformation, with a focus on reducing emissions and increasing greenhouse gas absorption. This objective is set to become a compulsory and significant target in socioeconomic development.

II. Research Proposal Guidelines

We invite faculty from all Colleges of VinUniversity to submit a five-page proposal (please find the template HERE) by June 05, 2024 that aligns with the goals of the Green Transformation and Green Growth Project. Proposals should address one or more of the following areas: (i) Green tourism; (ii) Green industry; (iii) Green agriculture; (iv) Green urban infrastructure; (v) Green transportation; (vi) Green lifestyle; (vii) Green branding; (viii) Policies supporting green transformation; (ix) Risk management. The proposal selection and reporting process will be managed by the Khanh Hoa Green Transformation Consultancy Project Executive Board.

We seek innovative and impactful translational research that explores advanced technologies to optimize resource utilization, reduce emissions and combat climate change to support the transformation of Nha Trang City and Khanh Hoa Province into a green sustainable urban hub. Proposals should focus on innovative approaches to integrate green practices into economic systems, alongside initiatives that enhance quality of life through fostering environmentally friendly lifestyles. Priorities will be given to projects that have direct links to Nha Trang’s and Khanh Hoa’s green transformation projects.


  • Any individual faculty member, including affiliated faculty, can serve as the Principal Investigator (PI) if they can guarantee satisfactory performance on all responsibilities.
  • The PI/Co PI must have a track record in managing research teams that can deliver innovative solutions, obtaining IP, facilitating technology transfer, delivering publications, and securing external funding.
  • Collaboration among faculty from different colleges is encouraged. All team members and collaborators must provide a link to their public profile (University website, Google Scholar, ORCID) in the member list.

(*) The proposal should not exceed 05 pages (template provided), including references. Incomplete applications will not be considered for review.

III. General Review Criteria
  • Clearly aligns with the objectives of the Green Transformation and Green Growth Project, demonstrating a direct contribution to transitioning towards a low-carbon economy and promoting sustainable development in Nha Trang and Khanh Hoa.
  • Innovative solutions that can transform Nha Trang and Khanh Hoa into a green urban area.
  • Impact on reducing emissions, optimizing resource use, and enhancing sustainability with the ability to scale up.
  • High potential for external fundings.
  • IP registration, scholarly publications, and other significant outputs (policy briefs, conference papers, etc.)
  • Academic and corporate collaborations, including international partnerships.
IV. Funding and Budget Monitoring

Each successful applicant will have access up to $60,000 in project funding, with exceptions to be decided by the Khanh Hoa Green Transformation Consultancy Project Executive Board. A budget breakdown is required for all expenditures, including personnel, IP/publications, data acquisition, materials, equipment, travel, etc. This breakdown should proportionately correspond to the outcomes promised. The project should be completed by October 2025. All projects are required to submit a detailed progress report every 3 months, outlining achievements, challenges, and any adjustments to the project timeline or outcomes/deliverables.

V. Submission and Contact Information

A single proposal file in PDF format and accompanying budget sheet should be submitted by June 05, 2024 to AIC email address at aic@vinuni.edu.vn.

For enquiries about the proposal submission process or information, please contact Ms. Pham Thi Thuy Anh at anh.ptt2@vinuni.edu.vn.

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